Page 16 of Ruthless Hunter
That nagging feeling rose once more. “Did you know we were going to be living together?”
“Me?” She feigned surprise, then narrowed her gaze on mine, letting the illusion fall away. “You could say that, yeah.”
A VanHalen?Would someone like that be here to help me? I looked at her now, clicking her way in seven-inch heels.
“I checked the list, okay?” she said with a sigh. “Your name came up and you were someone I didn’t know, so I took a chance, hoping you weren’t like the others.”
“You mean connected?”
“No,” she denied, turning toward me. “A bitch.”
I had to stifle a bark of laugher. Here I'd been thinking all someone like her cared about was money, power, and what she could get.
“Look at that,” Kat murmured, changing the subject and jerking her gaze toward the brass sign. “Lucky number seven.”
But I didn’t move, scanning every inch of her face.
“You going to stand out here all night, or are you going to take a chance and trust me?” she murmured. “After all…don’t you think I deserve at least that?”
I weighed her words. No one knew who I was. More importantly, no one knew who my dad was. No one other than Finley Salvatore, that was. I'd hidden behind my mother’s maiden name, an untraceable name. My dad had made sure of that.
Make alliances, Anna.Dad’s words filled my head.Find the most powerful people you can and wait for my signal.
A day, two at the most. I could play roommates and pretend like I wanted to be here. Until then, I needed powerful allies and right now, I was looking at one.
She'd made no move to out me on the boat. Instead, she'd come to my aid. I licked my swollen lip and winced. “Roomies, huh?” I murmured.
Her smile was big and bright, almost as bright as those two-hundred-thousand-dollar diamonds she wore. “Yep,” she agreed. “Roomies.”
I was grabbed, yanked forward, and slammed against her full breasts. “We’re gonna have so much fun. I can't wait. Slumber parties, manicures and pedicures, and gossiping while drinking champagne. That’s just going to be the first few nights. But don’t worry.” She gently pushed me backwards and stared into my eyes. “I got this. You’re gonna love me.”
“Or hate you.”
The guard announced as we neared, “Classes start at eight sharp.”
Her eyes widened. “EightAM?”
“Eight AM, Miss VanHalen.” He strode toward the elevator and hit the button.
We strode into the car and rode it all the way to the top floor.
“Wow.” The word slipped from my lips as I stared, and kept on staring.
The tinted windows stretched across the entire side of the building. I took it all in, striding out of the elevator first and across the very lavish living room equipped with the biggest TV and fireplace I’d ever seen. The bedroom doors were open, our names engraved on special plaques.
“This will do,” Kat said with a smile and spun. “What do you think,roomie?”
I thought I wanted off this nightmare of an island…but I could worry about that tomorrow.
Right now, this was heaven and as I slowly met her gaze, I answered, “I think it’s perfect.”
* * *
This was a dream…or,more correctly, a damn nightmare. One I was praying to wake up from. But the moment I cracked open my eyes, I knew my damn torment and reality had collided. I was really here, trying to find the one person who could help us get away from the Salvatores.
And who just happened to turn up at the boat, when he’d beenveryvocal about not attending?
Finley goddamn Salvatore.