Page 163 of Ruthless Hunter
I looked for the hitman when I left, but of course, he was long gone…or not interested in finding me.
He hasn’t found it…
The words haunted me when I climbed in and started the car. I waited until I pulled out and made for the heart of the city. I didn’t trust my car, didn’t even trust my house. I glanced into the rearview mirror. I trusted nothing when it came to my father. So I took the streets slowly, watching for a tail that I knew was there, until I spotted the navy sedan about four cars behind me.
I drove toward the freeway, knowing damn well I could lose him. The Maserati ate the asphalt as I climbed onto the on-ramp and accelerated hard. I took the long way, doubling back to find my way along the long stretch of water.
There was no doubt a tracker in the car, but I’d at least have a few minutes to myself. I parked near the water and climbed out, grabbing my phone free and hit the number. I knew he’d be waiting, and he was.
“Mateo,” I muttered.
“Edon found you?”
“Yeah.” I combed my fingers through my hair and breathed in the salty bracken scent of the river. “The recording.”
“Hasn’t surfaced…as yet.”
“Is that Fin?” I caught Xael’s voice in the background. “Tell him I’m ready.”
I let out a chuckle. “She ready to go to war with my father, is she?”
“You know the woman as well as I do. What do you think?” The tone was one of exhaustion but etched with pride.
“I think we’d better find this damn recording and figure out how the fuck it got off the island.”
“It was uploaded. The sonovabitch had it on a secure server.”
“Not so damn secure,” I glanced to the road behind me. I was running out of time. “If you need Anna involved, she can trace it.”
“It’s too damn risky.” Mateo growled. “We’ll handle it on our end.”
“We’ll find it, Fin. If we don’t…let’s just say my brother’s happy to hang around.”
I let out a hard exhale. “Sure,” I answered. “Give my love to the wildcat.”
I hung up the call, glanced at my watch. Eleven. He’d be waiting. I strode across the road, heading to a bar, and stepped inside. I made for the darkened back, ignoring the stare of the waitress who was setting up the tables for the lunch room rush.
“Help you?” the barman called from the other side.
“Can I use your phone?” I grabbed my billfold from my pocket, peeled off a twenty, and tossed it to the bar.
He gave a jerk of his head. “In the back.”
I walked in, located the ancient thing miraculously still attached to the wall, and dialed the number I knew off by heart. The one number that kept us connected with Anna’s father.
He answered on the second ring. “Fin.”
“Everything okay?”
“Fine, Anna?”
“She’s safe,” I started. “But we’re going to need some more time.”
“How much more time?”