Page 167 of Ruthless Hunter
“At the house,” he prompted, and a chill raced along my spine. That smugness rose in his eyes. He was a viper, a cold-blooded viper, with no shame.
I crossed my arms. “What happens between me and Fin is none of your business.”
“I disagree.” He took a step closer, and I couldn’t help but flinch. “Everything about you is very muchmybusiness, including what happens at home.”
My breath caught. Eyes widened.
“So let me ask you again.” Dominic said, “What happened this morning?”
Panic surged through me. To tell him the truth would mean to let the Devil in, and there was no way that was happening. “We ran out of milk.”
“You ran out of milk,” he repeated.
“And you know how pissy your son is without his coffee.”
A twitch came from the corner of his eye. He didn’t believe me, but I was giving nothing away. Nothing he could use against me anyway.
“Then that’s good to hear. Maybe you need to speak to the service for failing in their duties. I can take care of that for you.”
I swallowed hard. Letting this man anywhere near the staff to grill and probe and threaten was terrifying. Maybe he already had…maybe I was fighting a losing battle. Still, it wasn’t in me not to fight. “Thank you,” I murmured. “But no, I’m sure Fin and I can handle our own affairs.”
One nod. That was all he gave me before he turned and made for the door. His hand was on the handle before he stopped. “Oh, and Anna…give my best to your father.”
I drove back to the facility, to her office. By the time I got there, it was afternoon. The sun already losing its bite. I pulled into the parking lot and climbed out, making my way to the front doors.
They watched me carefully when I strode through the building, all the way to Anna’s office, but when I opened the door and stepped in, I didn’t find her inside. I glanced around, then left, making my way along the corridor to the small tearoom.
I found her standing at the window, staring out to the side of the parking lot and the trees in the distance. “Anna?”
She stiffened at my voice and turned. Her eyes were red-rimmed, glassy and wide.
I closed the distance in a heartbeat, keeping my voice low. “What happened?”
She shook her head. But I knew…I knew she needed to get out of here.
“Get your things. We’re leaving.”
She shook her head, looking so damn vulnerable. “I can’t, I—”
“Can and are. Get your things, Anna. I’m getting you the hell out of here.”
“Your father…” she started.
I clenched my jaw. “Fuck my father.”
Her eyes widened with a expression of shock, and the old Anna roared to the surface.
“Get your things, geek. We’re going away for a few days.”
A look of terror washed over her. “Fin.”
“I’ll text my damn father from the car,” I answered. It was a blur of a moment's decision, but the more I thought about it, the more solid it became. “We’re getting out of herenow.”
She stumbled backward and then turned and left. Hurrying along the hallway to her office once more. I needed to get her away from here. Away from my father…while I made up my mind.