Page 171 of Ruthless Hunter
He gave me a look and kept on driving.
His silence said more than words ever could.
I didn’t know if I should be terrified or turned on. “How long?”
“Ever since we came back,” he answered.
“You were planning to make a play.” I pushed back against the seat, stunned. “All this time.”
He cut me a glare. “You think I’d allow you to work in that prison forever?”
“Honestly? I don’t know. Yes, maybe yes.” The truth stung.
He winced. “Then that’s one hundred percent on me.” His voice was quiet, hurt. “I obviously failed to show you the kind of man I am.”
A man who’d kill to protect me.
A man who’d lie to his own father…and now go to war.
“Lazarus is in this?”
Fin turned off onto a crossroad. “His father’s been wanting to step aside for a while now. But he couldn’t.”
Fin glared. “Because of Dominic.”
The slow nod was the trigger for it to all fall into place. Benjamin Rossi wouldn’t step aside and hand over his seat on the Commission, not while a savage bastard like Dominic still occupied the seat. But Fin…
Fin was a whole other matter entirely. My mind raced, trying to put it all together, retracing the events that happened on the island as I tried to find the moment when this was all decided. “The other seats?”
“Will be handed down, by force if it comes to that.”
“Wow,” I muttered.
Fin drove, watching the rearview mirror as we made our way to some place he had ready for this exact purpose. Thirty minutes later, we slowed and turned onto a dirt track. I gripped the seat as the four-wheel drive bounced and jostled, taking us toward a bank of trees in the distance.
“It was always going to happen, Anna. This is just the catalyst.” He grunted as we hit a pothole and bounced.
“Will you kill him, your father, I mean?”
He didn’t answer.Jesus…he didn’t answer.I wrapped my arms around my stomach. I was going to be sick. I was going to be sick all over Fin’s nice new four-wheel drive.
The four-wheel drive he'd bought a month before and had specifically ‘adjusted’ was the word he used. I glanced at the dashboard where he flipped the switch. A switch that killed any kind of communication, whether it be a transmitter or recording equipment. So we were invisible.
“I’m never going back there,” I whispered, unable to believe it until I spoke the words.
“No. You’re not. Not if I have anything to do with it.”
I let those words ripple through me as we drove through the trees and out the other side. There was a small cabin in the distance. One surrounded by a towering fence and a locked gate. But the place was neat and hidden. So well, you’d never see it if you weren’t specifically on this track. “Is this yours?”
“Ours.” He never took his gaze from the road as he neared. “Everything is ours, Anna.”
He shifted the gears as we dipped down, the tires skidding before they caught on the graveled road, then we climbed all the way to the gate. He pulled up, shoved the car into gear, and stepped out, rounding the front to the locks on the gate.
I stared at the place, finding an outpost on the edge and what looked like a barrier of some kind at the rear. This wasn’t just a cabin…it was a compound. One designed to keep us safe. Fin shoved the gate open, drawing my focus. He did this…all while I was pulling away from him.
I thought he’d given up on us.