Page 180 of Ruthless Hunter
She was gone.
The hand over my mouth was cruel, smashing my lips against my teeth until piercing pain bloomed. I fought, trying my best to throw him off. But he was too strong, picking me up until my feet left the ground, then drove me face-first into the wall.
Stars collided in my eyes as agony tore through my head. I let out a whimper as the dark hallway faded. Hard breaths were all I focused on as he pulled me toward him. I dropped my hand then reached around to the small of my back, before he beat me to it, but his cruel grip closed over mine and clenched my fingers together.
“Don’t bother.” The growl came near my ear. “You’d be dead before your finger found the trigger.”
I thrashed and kicked. Memories of the island came roaring back. I refused to be back there, refused to be that woman again. I yanked my head to the side, opened my mouth, and bit.
“Fuck!”my attacker barked and wrenched his hand away.
Giving me enough time to spin, shove, and then stumble away.Fin…
I lunged, driving myself toward him until the fucker grabbed me by the hair and wrenched me backward.
“Fuckingbitch!”he roared.
The blur came too fast for me to move. My head snapped backward with the blow, and the metallic taste of blood bloomed in my mouth.
“Do that again, I dare you,” he warned.
I just stood there, trying to keep calm while inside I was screaming.
“Move!” He shoved me forward so hard my head snapped backward. I stumbled forward, heading to where the light at the end of the hallway spilled out from under the door.
Lazarus let out a roar. One that sounded savage and painful. Fin was all I thought about. I shoved away, bouncing off the wall and lunged, but not for the door behind us, to where Fin was.
My attacker let out a.“Fuck!”and grabbed me around the waist, hauling me backward and shoved me through the door.
“FIN!”I screamed.
Boom! BOOM! Boomboomboom!
He unleashed a clip into whatever stood in the way between us.Light blinded me as I was shoved inside. I stumbled backward as the sound of thunder came, matching the roar in my chest.
He shoved through the door, his eyes wild, searching for me…until he found me.
My attacker wound his arm around my throat and yanked me backward. Panic reared with the pressure, cutting off my air. I tried to suck in a breath and fight, but Fin lifted his gun and took aim at the asshole behind me.
“Let her go or you're fucking dead.”
“Fin.” The commanding voice came from further back in the room.
I hadn’t even looked at the rest of the room. But Fin jerked his gaze toward the sound as Lazarus stumbled inside behind him, taking in the piece of shit behind me.
But Fin wasn’t playing…not anymore. He lifted his gun, taking aim as Dominic Salvatore stilled. I felt the asshole behind me turn his head. His focus shifted elsewhere. I lifted my foot, wrenched it forward, then rammed it back, driving it into his shin.
The hold around my throat slipped as he let out a scream. I was lunging sideways before I knew.