Page 44 of Ruthless Hunter
The reply was instant.
Fin: No. I’m talking about what I said at the party.
Anger welled in my belly. He was everywhere, in my classes, at the party, here in my room while I slept. My pulse raced at the image of that, him standing beside my bed, watching me in the dark.I thought of him last night, my hands between my thighs.My cheeks burned with the memory.
“Of course, you wouldn’t be sorry for breaking in, would you?” I growled and typed:Fuck you, Finley.
I tossed the phone onto the bed and stared out the window. The sun was shining, the sky perfect and blue. I took another swallow of coffee as my new phone let out abeep.
I stared at the pretty pink phone, hating how he knew I’d wanted one.
Hating more how he’d bought it for me.
Until curiosity made me grab it and turn it over.
Fin: Fuck me? I think you might like that, Anna…I think you might like that very much.
“You goddamn cocky asshole,” I muttered, my mind returning to the feel of his hands on my body.
The danger was, he was right.
Fuck you, Finley.
Not Fin.
Not asshole.
I smiled. She was trying to put distance between us, trying to force me away from someone familiar and instead shove me square into the fucking friend zone. The friend zone, where she didn’t have to think about how wet I made her and how, for a second last night, she'd wanted me as much as I wanted her.
The goddamn friend zone…like I was just some goddamn schmuck. “Let’s see how long that lasts, Anna.”
Leale gave a whine and shifted his weight on the sofa, turning to lick my face. I reached and rubbed his ears, making the beautiful beast shake his head. His thick jowls swayed with the motion as those black eyes fixed on me, glinting with intelligence.
The Rottweiler had been my one fucking demand here on the island, a gift from my mom and my one constant.Leale…the word meant loyal in Italian and he was, faithful and smart…and mine in a world where everything belonged to my damn father.
The huge dog gave a whine, tearing me from the aches of my life and dragging me back to the present with a sloppy lick of my cheek.
“I love you, too,” I murmured rubbing his ears, then pushed upwards. “But I’ve got things to do, buddy. Can’t just lie around with you all day.”
Bright rays of the sun poured through the tinted windows. For a second, I just stood there, basking in the glare, and slowly closed my eyes. I wanted to feel the heat of the rays, wanted to feel anything other than the thrumming in my veins and thathungerwhen I thought of her.
But there was no heat from the glare. Not even a flicker of warmth. Nothing…until the image of her under me came roaring back to the surface of my mind.Then I burned.Fevered and sick, my hands shook against my thighs. I wanted her. Fuck me, I wanted her. I strode into the bathroom, shoved my boxers low, and fisted my cock.
The woman was making me jerk off like a goddamn teenager.Jesus fucking Christ.
I hit the shower faucet, slamming icy needles of the cold spray against the tiles, and stepped inside. The impact was instant and brutal. Still, I pumped as the shock of the water stole the rock hard ache. I lowered my head, letting the cold hit my shoulders, then adjusted the water temperature, shifting my grip and letting it slide all the way to the tip before I squeezed.
No matter how desperately I wanted my mind to wander, she was there, with her sweet fucking smile and innocent eyes. The one spark of pure light in my brutal, blood-stained world. I thrust my hips, turning against the wall until my breaths deepened and the release came all too fast. I lowered my hand and splayed my fingers, letting my come wash away. The end was always too fast when it came to her. Still, it barely took the edge off.
I washed my hair and my body and ended the spray, grabbing a towel to wrap around my hips. I'd been sent here to do more than just jerk off. Anna was on the island for a damn good reason, while her father worked at undoing everything he’d created in the last two years. I needed to not just find out what that reason was, I was here to expose every thought, every…secretshe ever had. The only problem was…did I want to do all that for my father, or for me?
I dressed, yanking on a slate gray t-shirt, black fitted jeans, and heavy boots, before I slipped on my leather jacket. Leale just watched me from the sofa as I strode out, cocking his head and waiting patiently for attention. “Okay,” I murmured, “I see you.”