Page 50 of Ruthless Hunter
“It’s okay,” I said, moving to the vacant sofa, and sat. “I’d be just as cautious, fire away.”
“Family?” Evan asked. “Or money?”
“God, no,” I answered, practicing the lie in my head. “Neither. I mean, we do some work for the Salvatores, mostly trading stocks. Nothing too big, so more like…contacts.”
“Trading stocks, huh?” Xael reached for the platter on the coffee table in front of them and grabbed a massive strawberry. “You any good?”
I just gave a shrug. “It’s my dad mostly, I just watch.”
“Look at that,” Xael murmured, and carefully took a bite of the strawberry. “We’ve got ourselves a voyeur.”
Heat raced to my cheeks.
“And a blushing one, too,” she added.
“Your daddy isn’t The Ghost, by chance, is he?” Evan asked with a slow chuckle.
But the humor was a lie. Under the pretense was the kind of stare that could pierce armor. I just smiled and shook my head. “I wish. I could use a new wardrobe.”
“It’s true,” Kat nodded my way as she helped herself to the strawberries. “She could.”
“Maybe you can help me with my dilemma?” Evan crossed her legs once more.
“I can try.”
“I’ve got about five hundred sitting in an offshore account.” She licked her lips, that killing edge gleaming in her eyes. “I’m needing a way to…transfer said funds.”
“You mean clean it, right?” I answered carefully.
She just gave a shrug. “Or not.”
But there was something more…dangerousin her eyes. Something hungry, something that made my breath catch in my chest. Evan made me nervous, more nervous than Dominic Salvatore, and that was saying something. This was a test, one I needed to pass to gain even a flicker of trust from them. My thoughts raced with scenarios, trying to stay away from my own home game. “Well, I've heard some chatter about auctions.”
Evan uncrossed her legs and recrossed them the other way. “Hmmm, interesting. Go on.”
“You could, by chance, purchase an item to be auctioned online but, of course, the purchasing would need to be careful, with proxy servers and anonymizing software to hide ISPs.”
“Of course,” she murmured carefully. But those brown eyes glinted with excitement.
I gave a shrug. “Just what I heard, anyway. Could be an uncomplicated away to move five hundred thousand.”
Her lips curled. “I said five hundred, didn’t say anything about five hundredthousand.”
“Bitch,please,”Kat groaned. “You’re drinking Dom at nine AM in the goddamn morning on a fucking island in Mauritius, surrounded by some of the most influential women of our goddamn age.”
“True.” Xael nodded, giving Kat a high five.
Theslapechoed through the air. Still Evan watched me carefully. I stayed right away from my real talent, instead giving her the kind of information any two-bit hedge-fund idiot would use to impress…and she damn well knew it.
“Okay,” Evan said cautiously, with a slow nod of her head.
“What the fuck are you two skipping, anyway?” Xael took another bite of her strawberry and sucked.
“The Origins of the Code.” Kat eased back into her seat and lifted her feet into Xael’s lap.
Christ, the woman looked like a younger version of Angelina Jolie, all lips and attitude. She shifted her gaze to mine, nailing me to the seat with dark, bedroom eyes that screamed sex. “It’s all fucking bullshit anyway.”
“What is?” Kat answered.