Page 84 of Ruthless Hunter
But it was swallowed by the thunder crashing inside my head.
My fingers slid against her warmth. “You think you can fuckingleaveme?” I jerked my gaze to hers, my lips curled with rage. “You think I’lleverallow that to happen?”
There was a tremor in her gaze. But it didn’t matter…none of it did.I pinned her fucking stare and fumbled with the button of her jeans. There was no stopping now, no quenching this firestorm inside me. Her lips parted. Her eyes were impossibly wide, glassy and dark. I was past the point of no return…past the point of stopping this…or was I?
“Tell me to fucking stop!”I barked as I yanked her zipper down.
But she didn’t. Instead, she just looked at me with that bone-gnawing ache, the icy touch I felt in my soul. With a sickening snarl, I shoved her panties aside and sank my fingers into her body.
Her hands fisted, and her eyes closed. Her breath was what I wanted.
So I took that, too.
I took everything.
Descending like a fucking monster, claiming her air with an unmerciful kiss, my touch sank deep inside her. I fucked her with my fingers, losing myself in her warmth. Jesus fuckingChrist.Her thighs parted, her hips rising as I worked her body. My chest crushed hers but still, I couldn't let her go.
Not now…maybe not ever.
Her moan filled my mouth. I stalled the tremble, sliding my thumb against her clit, making her shudder and shake. Until her nails dug into my skin. My lips curled as I pulled away. “I told you before, you belong to me, Anna. Maybe now you’ll fucking understand your new reality.”
Her hips rose as her core clamped around my fingers. Still, I worked her, sliding through that perfect slick until she cried out. Tiny tremors rocked her. I slowed my strokes, drew free until the elastic of her pantiessnappedagainst her skin…and slipped my fingers into my mouth.
Fuck me, she was delicious.
Salty and perfect.
I'd tasted her once before, then she’d distanced herself.
But no more.
A moan ripped from the back of her throat as I pulled away, rising above her, leaving her lying on the ground with her jeans open, just like those fucking lips. My cock pulsed hard and fucking brutal at the sight of her. Her gaze lowered to the bulge in the front of my jeans. I dropped my hand, feeling far too fucking savage to be kind, and gripped my length.
“He’s gone…whoever you came here to see,” I growled. “The next time you think of meeting him will be the last time he draws breath.”
She trembled with fear.
She should.
My father's voice resounded in my head, the same one that spilled from my lips.
I took a step away, loathing myself in that moment.
“Wait!” she cried as I turned.
“There’s no more waiting, Anna…not now…not ever.”
“Wait!”I screamed.
My body ached and burned as I shoved up from the ground. Lightning tore across the sky overhead, and neon white spilled across the island.Except for him.He was darkness. Violent andwild.Head down, striding away…leaving me alone with that hunger burning between my thighs. I scanned the ground, unable to see my backpack, and fumbled with my jeans.