Page 98 of Ruthless Hunter
He became silent, searching my gaze, then gave a slow nod. “Whatever you need, Finley.”
That was more like him.
What the fuck was this new attitude from him, anyway? I left them both behind and headed for Building One, hating how the memory of Baldeon surfaced again. First Mom, now Baldeon’s second son. Someone was coming for us, picking us off one by one. The Commission were concerned and my father was calling for war.
But bloodshed wasn’t just dirty business.
It was also fucking expensive.
“Anna.” Her name slipped from my lips in a growl. “You’ll belong to me, one way or another.”
You mean my father’s…right?Anna and her father will belong to me.
I was nothing in his shadow. Not even a pathetic copy.
I pushed through the glass doors of Building One and made my way along the hallway, past the meeting room where the Commission had gathered yesterday, and headed for a wing hardly anyone ventured along. The air grew cooler the further I walked, until I stopped at a thick wooden door further along the back.
There was no card reader here, nothing that basic. I pressed my thumb to the scanner and waited for it to scan my fingerprint. Very few had access to this room on the island…and that was for a reason.
I pushed the handle and stepped inside. The dark hallway was short, leaving me to step into a large, specially built room. Monitors lined the walls, filled with images taken from every CCTV camera on the island. A guard turned his head as I stepped inside.
“Mr. Salvatore,” he acknowledged me with a nod.
I didn’t respond, just made my way into the small office at the rear of the control room and stepped inside before closing the door behind me. Everyone on the island knew they were being watched. If they didn’t, then they didn’t belong here.
Most were born with cameras shoved in their faces. After a while, they neither cared nor saw them at all. But there were still some of us that required privacy more than anything. But that was one of the joys of the island, wasn't it?Nothing was off limits.
I pulled the black-out blinds down and hit the lights, illuminating the computer and monitor in the middle of the desk. It was a computer hooked up to all feeds. One specifically available to a few. I was just one of those few. I sat, logged in, and brought up the feed of Anna’s apartment building, narrowing in on the one illuminated apartment to watch.
“You don’t want to tell me,” I murmured. “That’s fine. I’ll find out on my own.”
I knew she was getting phone calls from someone and I could only assume it was her father. That’s who she was going to meet on the beach.Then why come to the island at all?The thought nagged me as I searched the images from the cameras in her apartment, watching on the live feed as she strode into her apartment and leaned on the counter, her head lowered…as though she was catching her breath.
Had she run all the way from the classroom where I'd left her? The thought of that made me smile. She pushed off and made her way into her bedroom. I switched feeds. Call it a fucking invasion of privacy…I didn’t care, not in that moment. A thought rose inside me, one that sent heat through my veins. I rose from the seat and walked around the desk to open the door. “How can I get a direct feed sent to my phone?”
The guard swiveled in his seat. “How many feeds are we talking?”
I opened my mouth to answer, then changed my mind at the last moment. “Two.”
“Two I can do. But I’m going to need your phone and I’ll get it set up.” He held out his hand.
I held the guard’s gaze, then slowly unlocked the screen and handed it over.
“I’ll get right on it, Mr. Salvatore.”
“Thank you.” I turned back into the office and closed the door.
There was more than a live feed of her bedroom I needed, no matter how fucking entertaining that was. She was sitting on the bed as I sat back down, her hand over her breast before it slowly slipped between her thighs.Fuck me.
I reluctantly tore my focus from her obvious torment and adjusted the commands, skipping to the recorded video.Unfortunately,there was no sound. The Commander felt that was one step too far, especially in the bedrooms…but that didn’t mean there wasn’t another device in the apartment. I rewound the footage to the night before, watching her moving backwards throughout the apartment as day slowly became night and she stumbled into her apartment in the early hours of the morning.
After us…
I hit the button and pressed play, watching her walk from the elevator to her room. Then I switched the feed as she dropped her backpack in the doorway of her closet and slowly peeled her clothes off. Memories pushed into my mind.
Her windbreaker hanging off her arms as she lay underneath me, then the slow slide of her panties as I dragged them free, revealing her body inch by perfect inch. I watched her now dropping the windbreaker to her floor, then her top and jeans as she stepped out of her boots.
Was she stunned…aching? A flare of panic tore through me. I licked my lips as the panic grew. Was this a good stunned reaction…or a bad one?I raked my fingers through my hair, transfixed as she shoved down the covers and slid into bed.