Page 18 of Ashes
Over by the pool table, Nico clears his throat.
Nova walks over to him and asks if he’s okay.
“Fine,” he says, smiling at her. “I’m fine. Just a little spooked by all this.” He tilts his head toward the TV screen.
As he speaks, I study his face. Since he got here, I’ve been trying to open the gates in my head. I’ve searched his emotions, his aura, looking for untruths and concealment because I donottrust this guy. Looking for anything I can show Nova to prove she needs to ask a few more questions before falling headfirst into the belief that he’s some kind of missing piece in her family puzzle.
For the hundredth time, I come up blank. Wolves are notoriously hard to read, but Nico is different. He’simpossibleto read.
Nova rubs his upper arm and smiles at him. “I’m kinda spooked too. I mean, pretty much every person out there wants to burn me at the stake. Right?” She laughs a little, looking from me to Kole.
In a guttural growl, Kole tells her, “Don’t say that.”
I meet his gaze. She’s not wrong; she’s being glib, but she’s not wrong. They might not be able to tie her to a pole and set fire to her, but the Bureau will be expected to dole out an appropriate punishment. What the masses deem appropriate remains to be seen.
Looking down at her hands, Nova conjures a flame. She’s doing it more often lately; practising. This time, she passes it from one palm to the other. Pulls and plays with it like it’s putty.
Nico watches it. When she looks at him, she extinguishes the fire and says, “Does it remind you?”
He tilts his head.
“I mean, do you remember it? The fire?”
Nico shakes his head. “No. I don’t remember.”
“But you were hurt.” She gestures to his chest. “Badly.”
Nico smiles softly at her. “I don’t remember any pain, Nova. You mustn’t think about it.”
“Shit,” Kole says, pointing at the screen. “Snow’s losing it.”
On the TV, Snow has just finished mauling a tree and is bellowing at the crowd of reporters. Finally, he stops and stalks back toward the house. The front door opens and closes. Footsteps cross the entrance hall. In moments, he’s with us. Naked but holding a bundle of clothes he’s taken from the hall closet.
Standing behind the pool table, he dresses. His skin is glistening with sweat and his muscles are twitching. “Nova.” He grabs her and cups her face in his hands. “We have to go now. Tom’s not going to call. It’s been too long.”
“Asking him to speak to Annalise was a long-shot,” Kole adds.Looking at Nova, he says, “She was our boss when we were with the Bureau. These days, she’s as high up as you can get at the SDB. Probably wouldn’t even speak to Tom on the phone.”
As Mack sighs, Nova leans into his hand. “I’m sorry,” she whispers. When she looks up at him, she says, “I could go alone… or with Tanner and Kole.” She gestures to the ballroom walls. “This is your home. I don’t want to make you leave it.”
Mack smiles a little, possibly remembering the last time camera crews were parked up outside. It was years ago, before I got here, but Mack showed me the footage. Maybe someday, he’ll show Nova. But not now.
“I have a complicated history with this place,” he says. “So, trust me, leaving it is not a problem. Especially for you.”
“It’s not forever.” Kole puts his hand on Nova’s shoulder, catching Mack’s eyes above her head. “Just for now.”
“Um, guys…” Nico says. He’s pointing at the TV screen. “They’ve stopped.”
In unison, we all turn around. He’s right; the line of SUVs has pulled over to the side of the road, and the chopper has disappeared.
We’re still staring when Mack’s cell goes off. He puts it on speaker. A voice I don’t recognize fills the room. “I spoke with Annalise. She vouched for you. I’ll come to Phoenix Falls alone. After sunset. In the meantime, I’ll have local officers clear out the reporters.”
“Tom… thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet, sheriff. You have a lot of explaining to do. And if I’m not satisfied, wewilltake the girl into custody.”
* * *
“You did it.” Nova turns to Mack and throws her arms around his neck. “You did it!”