Page 52 of Ashes
“Okay, well, that makes me feel better.” She smiles nervously. Would she be nervous if she was dressing up for Tanner, or Kole, or Mack? Probably not.
“You’ll be fine,” I say for the second time this evening. “Shout if you need help.”
Nova’s forehead creases, as if she’s not sure what on earth she could need my help with, but then she disappears into the bathroom and locks the door behind her.
She’s in there for what seems like forever. Finally, the door clicks. But when it opens, only Nova’s head sticks out. “Hand me my coat,” she says. I look round the room. Her long brown coat is in our overnight bag. I take it out and put it into her hand. There’s a shuffling sound. Her head disappears, then she’s back. All I can see of the outfit I chose is the pair of black knee-high boots sticking out from the bottom of the coat.
When she catches me staring, she shrugs and says, “You don’t need to see it now, do you?”
Slightly awkwardly, aware a slow heat is creeping down my back, I stand up. “No. I mean, if it fits and you’re okay with it.”
“It fits.” She wraps her arms around her waist. “I’ll get into character when we get there.” She looks at the mini bar under the desk. “I just might need a few more drinks first.”
Iexpected to be exhausted by midnight, but the adrenaline prickling in my veins is keeping me wide awake. Thinking of seeing Sam makes my head spin. I feel completely unprepared, like this is all happening far too quickly. At the same time, though, deep inside I know ithasto happen like this.
We walk to the club. It feels risky to be out in the open like this, but Luther’s adamant this is the last place the Bureau would look for us. Besides, he says, this part of town is light on CCTV. An unwritten rule, because the city fat cats want it to stay that way, which says these streets should remain a place of darkness and anonymity.
The boots Luther bought me are already hurting my heels, but the way they click against the sidewalk makes me feel somehow more confident. Like a risqué catwalk model. Although, that could be from the beer and the two large whiskey and cokes I had before we left.
I have no idea how I’m going to feel when I actually have to take my coat off. I’ve never worn an outfit like this in my life; part of me feels like Luther must have asked for theleastamount of clothing possible just to tease me. And the panties? I almost refused to wear them when I noticed they had no crotch. But now, to my surprise, I’m realizing that the sensation of cool night air between my legs is more than a little pleasant. Maybe I’ll take them home when we’re done. I’dloveto see Mack’s face if I bent over his desk wearing these.
“Nova?” Luther gestures for me to walk faster. I still haven’t seen all of his outfit. Like me, he changed in the bathroom and pulled his jacket on top. I have, however, seen his leather pants. At first, they made me giggle, but now I can’t help wondering what’s on his top half.
Before we left, I told him to sit down on the bed and smudged dark makeup around his eyes to match what I’d done to my own. It suits him. Emphasizes his stupidly long eyelashes and the tone of his skin.
The club, of course, is situated down a narrow alleyway. At the back, people file quietly toward a large metal door. They’re asked questions by a thick-necked pair of mages, then show the tickets on their phones, and are allowed past.
“What are they asking?” I whisper to Luther.
“No idea.” He puts his hand on the small of my back. “Let me do the talking.”
At the front of the queue, the mage on the left looks casually at Luther and says, “Been here before?”
I expect Luther to say yes, but he shakes his head and makes a show of squeezing his arm around my waist. His eyes sparkle a little as he says, “No, it’s our first time.”
“You read the rules?”
Luther nods.
Luther shows his phone.
“Fire mage and fire witch.” The bouncer nods. “Fire play is on the third floor. Enjoy.” He stands to one side. The door clunks open.
* * *
We’re in an elevator. It is pitch black and silent, but I can feel it taking us down below ground level. When it stops, the doors slide open. Instantly, a heavy beat fills my ears and vibrates down through my body. We emerge in a corridor thick with people. I feel hands on my shoulders and spin around to see a man with a bare chest and pierced nipples taking my jacket.
Luther nods at me as he shrugs out of his own jacket and hands it over. My eyes widen. He’s wearing an asymmetric black shirt, cap-sleeve on one side, tank top on the other. Down its center, a ladder of slashed fabric shows snatches of his dark skin and toned torso.
It hugs his frame in all the right places, and he doesn’t seem a bit self-conscious as he thanks the jacket-taking guy. Wishing I had another whiskey, I straighten my shoulders and imagine that, instead of being surrounded by people, I’m standing in front of Mack’s mirror. Kole behind me.Do you see what I see?
When I open my eyes, Luther is staring at me.