Page 12 of Monstrous Truths
“Okay, Cato, why am I not dead yet?” I ask, and he flinches back as if he’s offended by the idea. I shrink under his anger, hoping I’ve not pushed him too far.
Turning away with a growl, he slowly breathes in and out, giving me time to stare at him. His skin is bright red, like a flame, highlighting muscles stacked upon muscles. His arms are almost double the size of my body, and his broad chest is bare. He wears tattered shorts, his only clothing, which hang low on his waist. He has two black eyes, a long, regal nose, and thick, lighter red lips. Black horns jut from his head, curling up into the sky, and for some reason, I want to touch them. His hands are massive, and his fingers are long and tipped with black claws, which could easily rip me apart. A red tail lashes behind him in agitation.
“Don’t say that,” he says.
“Sorry,” I squeak out, pressing back into the wall.
“I am not going to hurt you,” he sneers like he hates that I think that, but why wouldn’t I?
“Okay,” I murmur, not wanting to annoy him. If I want to survive this, I need to keep this monster happy before he decides to eat me like a fucking snack.
“What is your name?” he queries, looking back at me. He watches me like he truly sees me, noticing every flaw and defect, while also hanging onto my every word. Nobody looks at me like that. I’m invisible, even to my lovers, but this monster observes my every move like it intrigues him, and that unnerves me. I wonder what he can see.
“Talia,” I answer.
“Talia.” He drags out my name, ending with a slight growl that sends a shiver through me.
“Yep, and you’re Cato,” I reply dumbly, and then let out a little scream when he suddenly appears before me. I didn’t even see him move, but his face is almost pressed to mine. That delicious scent wafts to me again, almost making me lean into him as I pant.
“Say it again,” he murmurs.
“What?” I ask in confusion, distracted by the expanse of red skin before I realise I’m checking out his muscles and jerk my eyes back to him. Most human males would smirk, but he doesn’t seem to notice the effect he has on me.
It’s clearly been far too long since I’ve had sex if I’m checking out a red monster.
“My name,” he implores.
“Cato?” I repeat, and he groans, his eyes sliding shut.
“Cato.” I search his face, noting the tiny scars across his skin. His lashes are tipped red, and fangs hang over his lips. I ache to trace his face. It’s all angles, and his features are beautiful in a deadly way. His eyes open, the black swirling with red, locking me in place. “Your eyes are turning red,” I whisper.
Snarling, he sits in the chair with his back to me. His hands fist on the table, and his chest heaves with his ragged breathing. I remain silent, not wanting to push him when he’s so clearly fighting something. Maybe he’s trying to resist killing and eating me?
I want to tell him I wouldn’t make a good meal, that I’m too fatty, but I can’t. I continue to watch him, worried any little noise will cause him to snap.
“I will not hurt you,” he states, his voice strong and determined. He glances over at me, and his eyes are black once more. I want to ask him what that means, but I don’t. “Not ever.”
“Why?” I question.
“Because it would be like ripping myself apart,” he whispers before he turns to face me. “Why were you screaming? Were you chased? I smelled blood.”
“Not mine,” I whisper. “My friend, she was hurt.”
“By one of us?” he asks, freezing.
I shake my head. “A tiger.” He slumps slightly. “I have to go back and find her—”
“Someone from Akuji’s tribe will have found her by now, as you were very loud. I cannot walk back into their territory, they will kill me, and if you go back, they will have you as well, and I will not let that happen.”
I blink at all the information, filing it away to ask about later. “Have her? Will they kill her?” I go cold all over.
“I do not know,” he admits. “But I will not take that risk with you.”
I slump like all of my strings have been cut. “Aria,” I whisper. “Please, you have to let me go. I have to find her!”
“No!” he roars, and I shrink in on myself. “You will stay here where it is safe, until I figure out what to do.”