Page 26 of Monstrous Truths
“Are you okay, Tally?” he murmurs. His voice is in my ear, and he’s not short of breath, despite the fact he’s carrying me and sprinting like he’s in a race.
“Fine,” I squeak out, and his chest rumbles with a mix of a purr and a laugh, making me smile, even as I burrow closer. His hands tighten on my thighs, pulling me securely into the circle of his arms.
“Not far, just keep quiet, okay?” he says.
I nod, not trusting my voice, and just hold on for the ride. I focus on him instead of the way my stomach rolls, moving past his delicious smell to the feel of his skin under my fingers. I loosen my death grip and lightly stroke his red skin. It’s so soft, like velvet, and it feels like pure silk over metal. His muscles and body are so strong, it almost hurts, but I find myself stroking his shoulder, exploring until a growl vibrates his body, and then I still.
“Stop distracting me, Tally.” He huffs, but there’s an edge of amusement in his tone, so I blush hard, realising I had basically been petting him.
Jesus, Talia.
First I’m sniffing him, and now stroking? Thank god we finally stop. I open my eyes to see us storming into the lab’s building. After stopping, sniffing hard, and looking around, he softly sets me on my feet. I wobble for a moment, and he keeps his hands on me until I nod and step forward. He steps back and follows me to the lab’s door, watching my back.
I glance back, blinking for a moment as a memory of Aria in that exact place blends with the current image of him. Shaking my head, I hurry down the steps, almost slumping when I don’t see Aria there. I know it was a long shot, but I had hoped…
“Talia?” Cato calls.
“Sorry,” I mutter and finish heading to the first lab, booting up the computer and logging in with my details. As it loads, I glance up to see Cato looking around, and I realise it probably brings back a lot of bad memories here. Fuck, I’m insensitive.
“You can wait outside if you want,” I offer softly.
He blinks and looks at me. “Logically, places cannot hold memories or ghosts…” He trails off and remains silent for a moment before continuing, “But this place always feels wrong to me, haunted, and their screams still echo in my head.”
“I couldn’t live in my parents’ mansion anymore. It felt like it was haunted by them. I hated it. It used to be so warm and filled with life, and then it was just a shell,” I tell him and hold out my hand. “So I know what you mean, but it’s better when you’re not alone.”
He takes my hand and lets me pull him into the lab.
“I can’t erase what was done to you and your people here, but I can try to make it better. I can try to make sure it never happens again with your help.”
“You have it,” he replies automatically, making me smile up at him.
“Then let’s get to work.” I squeeze his hand and then let go, turning back to the computer.
“Let’s.” He nods.
* * *
Hours later, I lean back from the computer. I’ve copied everything across and password protected it on this computer so if anyone accesses it, I’ll know. Cato has been busy checking the entire lab and transferring the contents of the research into the bags we found here. We plan to move it back to his lab for storage so it will be safe from their hands.
When they find out I betrayed them, I will lose my job or worse, but I have to. I can’t let them get away with this.
“That’s everything, I think.” He nods as he stands, stretching his arms above his head. His horns catch the light as if he’s sucking it up into his shadows, so I quickly look away, not wanting to be caught staring again.
“Talia?” he asks, and I make a mumbling noise. “I know this has to be hard for you.” Shit, he thinks I’m worried about the humans, which I guess I am, but my main concern is how attracted I am to a monster. I can’t say that though.
“Yeah.” I just shrug, unsure what else to say.
“Humans did this. They pushed us to our breaking point, and they are the reason the war started. Now they clearly want another one. I know this is hard, but you are doing the right thing,” he reasons softly.
“Am I?” I ask as I look back at him. “What they did?” I shake my head, feeling sick. “But what if your people use these—”
He moves closer and takes my hand. “We won’t, you know me better than that. Yes, there are some who want to start another war with humans, mainly the Darklings, who are crazy, but then there are us, Acumen and Nightfang, who just want to be left alone and live our lives.” He searches my gaze before sighing. “Let me show you why you should trust us.”
Standing, I let him lead me through the labs to a corner, where he looks down at me. “Remember, we don’t blame you, Talia. I don’t.” That scares me enough to make me focus, and when he leads me down the corridor, horror and disgust eat away at me.
He’s showing me the cells where they were kept and hurt. They go on forever. Steps lead farther down into the lab, heading to more cells, and the more we pass, the more the sickness claws at my throat. There is still dried blood in some, and some even have bones of dead monsters…even small ones.
Like kids.