Page 42 of Monstrous Truths
Akuji smirks at my threat, as does Aria, but he nods in respect. “Understood, human.”
Aria pulls away from his arms and slings her own around me. “You need to tell us everything that happened. Seriously, I was so worried, and I don’t like that feeling,” she tells me softly, and I can tell it cost her to admit that.
I struggle for words, as so much has happened, but I settle on simple ones instead. “This is about more than you and me, Aria.”
“What do you mean?” she asks, frowning at me, obviously feeling the heaviness behind my words. I lower my voice, feeling Cato drawing closer but needing to get this out.
He doesn’t stop me, he never would, but I lean into him, needing that support now more than ever. “The research they sent me to get was gone for a reason. Cato had taken it. He feared what it contained and the ramifications of the humans getting their hands on it again.” That makes her raise her eyebrows, but I hurry on, needing to tell her everything. “The information contained, Aria… It shocked me to my core. The humans did this, Aria. They made them.”
“I know,” is all she says, and I gawk for a moment before shaking my head, needing her to understand.
“But it’s more than that, no wonder they want this information back. They would go to any lengths to protect it.”
“Talia, tell me,” she demands, clearly wanting to get these answers from me.
“It’s so much more, Aria.” I shake my head, knowing I probably look scared of the truth, of what I will find when I dig deeper. “What they did to them, what they are continuing to do—”
“Incoming!” someone yells, interrupting my words.
Aria is yanked behind Akuji, and Cato pulls me behind him, so I can barely see what’s happening. I peer through gaps as a man rides up on a horse—well, a monster. The horse is a huge, black beast, and the monster on top of it is no less scary, with a wicked smirk showing cracked fangs. One of his eyes sports a massive scar, and it’s white compared to his other black eye. His body is huge, bigger than any monster here, and more scarred. He’s a darker red also, standing out against the sea of brighter red monsters. Behind him is an array of similarly coloured scarred monsters.
Cato and Akuji work together to protect me and Aria, who refuses to cower like I do.
“Samael,” Akuji calls, and Cato lets him speak, happy to watch. No doubt Cato is looking for weakness, for threats, and forming a strategy to protect his people and me.
“Akuji,” he greets with a sneer. “Thank you for our latest fighter, he fits in well.”
“Why are you here?” Akuji demands as I shrink further into myself when the monster’s gaze focuses on me. That one look is filled with such disgust, I actually shiver.
“There was a meeting called, was there not? We were invited.” Samael grins, leaping from his horse.
“Yes, but you never come to them,” Cato replies in confusion. Laying my hand on his back, I move closer, seeking his comfort and protective arms. He needs to focus, but I am unable to stop myself.
“Well, now we do,” Samael snarls. His voice is dark and edgy and filled with such anger and hatred, it hits me like a whip.
This one hates humans a lot, but he also seems to hate everyone. I never want to be around him alone, that’s for sure.
“And why’s that?” Akuji demands.
“Because it interests us. The fact that you both have humans standing next to you and not chained up shows me how weak you are and how much you might not care,” he sneers, pacing before us like a caged animal as I shrink into Cato.
He reaches back, wrapping one arm around me.
“Care?” Akuji repeats.
“That human warriors are currently surrounding the wall with weapons.” Samael smirks as he drops that bomb.
My eyes widen as we all stare, and then chaos ensues.
“What?” Akuji snarls.
I try to remain calm, even as I pull Talia closer, needing to protect her. I’m worried they are here for her.
Akuji must be having the same internal debate, because Aria comforts him. “They didn’t come when I was over the wall with Talia, so it’s not for us. It’s strange, though, that they would do it now.”