Page 55 of Monstrous Truths
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In this bunker, there are reminders everywhere of the true depravity of humans. It infuriates me. I take my time exploring, making sure I remember every single inch, so whenever I doubt why I am doing this or if humans truly are that bad, I will remember.
Along with it comes respect for every single monster, especially those who survived here, like Samael.
It is clear that he was born with nothing but rage and pain, torn apart by the hands of human scientists over and over. When all you have ever known is death and agony, how could you be anything but a hate-filled monster? Knowing Cato survived this place, that he was here, fills me with pain and fear like I’ve never felt.
I want to erase this place and the past, but that’s not right. This happened. It cannot be erased, and it shouldn’t. It should be remembered. It should hurt and make you waver. If not, then their suffering was for nothing.
With Cato’s help, we start to organise and pack some of the research in hopes it will fill in some gaps, especially the samples and notes we find. It’s clear that whatever they were doing here was much worse than just creating a higher, intelligent species and keeping them captive. And why now? Why do they want it now?
Why risk it all? Unless they have no choice but to…
Maybe something here is the key to the monsters and my bosses need it. If so, I have to find it and keep it safe first, because if the humans surrounding the city are any indication, they are willing to do whatever it takes to get it back.
Even start another war—a war neither side could survive, not again.
We hang on the balance of peace and chaos, and we are all that stands between it.
Once I can’t pack any more, leaving the heavy stuff to Cato, I wander back through the bunker, swallowing down the pain I can almost feel drenching the walls like their blood. I let it fuel me, let it fill me, and the more I see, the angrier I become.
I end up behind some cells near a door we didn’t look in. I have a bad feeling, but I refuse to cower. I need to see everything to know the truth, so I open it, and tears instantly spring into my eyes. My mouth drops open, and bile crawls up my throat.
My entire soul seems to shudder at the scene before me.
There, in the middle of the room, is a crucified monster—or what is left of them. The skeletal bones are chained outward. The skull hangs down, the horns half bent and broken. The floor in here is stained with blood, leading to a drain under the corpse.
I gag, but I am unable to look away, wondering how anyone could do this.
How could anyone be capable of such inhumanity?
“Shh, Tally, it is all okay,” Cato soothes, appearing behind me and turning me to his chest before shutting the door softly. “Shh, let it out, I know, let it all out.” He holds me as I break down, even though it should be the other way around. When I lift my head and say just that, his face softens as he wipes my tears away.
“I have had many years to see these horrors. There isn’t much that will shock me anymore. Yes, it hurts my heart for my people and that person in there, but it fuels my determination to keep you and my people safe.”
“I’m not one of you,” I remind him, and after being here, I don’t know how he doesn’t hate me too.
“You are. You might not have been born with horns or red skin.” He winks. “But your heart is all monster, baby, and I plan to keep it that way. So let’s get you back. You need to eat, sleep, and relax.”
“No, I won’t, not until you are all safe,” I mutter. I glance back at the door, a furious determination lacing my tone. “I can’t.”
Back at the university, I dive into our research, not wanting to stay at that bunker. It felt haunted. I’m trying to categorise as much research as I can to find the important bits, but there is so much. It could take a lifetime to go through it. Cato works tirelessly by my side, only stopping to check on his people and work through any issues that arise. I know he’s worried I’m not sleeping, but he forces me to eat, and three days later, I’m no closer to finding what they are looking for than when I started.
Exhausted, dejected, and angry, I let him drag me to bed and curl around me where he orders me to sleep. He’s right—if I rest, the answers might come to me. My brain needs sleep to work on the problems. Everything was starting to get slightly hysterical at this point, despite the fact I’m used to sleep deprivation.
I expect to worry on the problems all night like I usually would, but I find myself sleeping hard, and when I wake up, my mind and body are rested. I’m raring to go, but first, I flip over to see Cato still sleeping, which is rare. His eyes are closed, his face is relaxed, and fangs adorably hang over his lip. His tail is wrapped around my ankle to keep me close to him, and when I try to pull away, he growls softly before tugging me closer. I smile as I melt into the circle of his arms.
I shouldn’t, since he’s not mine, but in the dark, all alone, I can admit I wish he were.
Despite everything, I found the one person, the one man—monster, who gets me, cherishes me, and supports me. He’s kind, smart, and charming. He’s loyal and dedicated. He’s beautiful and protective. He’s everything I didn’t know I needed, and yet he’s not mine.
I’m a selfish bitch, it seems, because I don’t pull away. In fact, I lean in and kiss his chest, giggling when a purr starts deep inside of him. I do it again, and the vibration echoes through me, making my breath catch.