Page 57 of Monstrous Truths
With a roar, he follows, splattering his release across his hand, my thighs, and pussy, his tail fucking it into me as he strokes and drains his cock of every drop, and then he slumps forward. His tail is still inside of me, but it’s still now as we both just pant and breathe heavily.
I’m shocked but satisfied, and Cato eventually slides it out of me, getting to his knees and bringing his tail to his mouth to lick it clean.
“Cato,” I whisper.
“Time to clean up, Tally.” He picks me up and leads me to the bathroom, where he washes me once more, leaving me defenceless and feeling off-kilter. I’m barely able to breathe until he leaves to grab my clothes, and once he brings them back, I dress silently, unsure what to say about what we just did.
It was amazing—okay, incredible—but we are crossing lines we can’t undo, and he seems to relish it, even though I’m scared.
“Time for work, Tally.” He grins widely, smacking my ass as he passes. “I’ll go get us some food while you get started.”
I watch him go, shaking my head with a smile before it fades when I remember the truth—he’s not mine and never will be. I need to stop getting attached.
Who am I kidding? I am already attached, and it’s going to hurt like a son of a bitch when I have to give him up.
“Could it—no, it can’t be that simple.” I spin my chair, almost falling from it as I hurry to the notes sprawled across the floor. Dropping to my knees, I frantically look them over before swearing when I realise we are missing one of the numbered notebooks. Muttering to myself, I start to crawl across the lab, searching for it, knowing I’m close to a breakthrough.
That moment of realisation reaches for me, and I’m desperate as I scramble across the lab, searching for the missing journal. The note—
“Tally?” Cato calls worriedly, and my head jerks up when I realise he’s been watching me from his own chair, concern sparking in his dark eyes.
“Number ten! Where is number ten?” I shout, and his eyes widen as he looks around.
“The notebook?” he asks, confused.
I nod my head rapidly. “Ten, we need to find ten!” I know I’m not making sense, but I feel like I’ll lose my train of thought if I speak too many words. Cato, however, does not ask any more questions or try to lock me up in a loony bin. Instead, he jumps to his feet and searches with me, but an hour later, it’s obvious it’s not here.
Grumbling, I write down my thoughts haphazardly before I forget them and blow out a breath. “We need to find ten.”
“Well, nine and eleven are here and marked as being from the lab, so ten must be there. I can go back—”
“I’ll go with you.” I jump to my feet. “The quicker I have it, the quicker I’ll know.”
“Know what? What’s going on, Tally?” he demands, gripping my face to stop my erratic movements. “Talk to me.”
Blowing out a calming breath, I meet his eyes. “If they did what I think they did.”
“Which is?” he prompts.
“Spliced more than one animal into your DNA.”
“We know they did.” He frowns, not understanding.
“Yes, a potent mix, but then when they found the right one, they stopped experimenting, right? Wrong. I think, if I’m right, they carried on experimenting and that some of you are spliced with different animals. But it’s more than that. There is something I’m missing, I just can’t see it yet.”
“Then let’s get you to that journal,” he murmurs.
I nod, and we hurriedly pack a bag before waving goodbye to his people. He accepts a wrapped parcel of food, and then we are off. Akuji gave us permission to be at the lab, so we go straight there, with Cato carrying me. When we reach it, I drop everything and start to search, as does Cato. When I find it hiding under a table where it must have fallen, I dust it off and leap up excitedly. For a while, he watches me flip through it before frowning and looking at the courtyard.
“I forgot to tell Akuji’s men we are here. Give me one minute, Tally. Don’t go anywhere.” He kisses my head, but I barely hear him, waving him off as I skim the chicken scratch, trying to decipher what I need.
To be certain of what I am reading, I need to double-check the vials and maybe combine them the way they did, otherwise how can I be sure that’s what this says?
I’m debating the best way to conduct an experiment when I hear it.