Page 24 of Pregnant by the CEO
“That doesn’t mean I want people to spread false rumors about you. How much of a jackass do you think I am?”
“That’s kind of sweet.”
He frowned at her. “What is?”
“The protective thing. Well, so long as you don’t go nuclear about it.” She felt obliged to add that caveat since he tended to do things in a big way. The last thing she needed was him following her around threatening people.
“Let’s say I know what it’s like to be on the wrong end of gossip.”
Her shoulders fell as some of the comfort that had seeped into her bones seeped right out again. “You’re talking about Noah.”
“I wasn’t.” Derrick stood, looming over her. “I don’t want to fight with you tonight, and talking about your brother is a guaranteed way to get you fired up.”
“What do you want?”
He inhaled deep enough to move his chest up and down. “This.”
Then he reached for her. Those strong hands wrapped around her arms and pulled her out of the chair. The move was smooth and gentle; she was on her feet before she even knew what was happening.
He stopped right before kissing her, so she took over. Slipped her arms around his neck and pulled him in closer. He clearly took that as a yes because he regained control from there.
His mouth slid over hers in an explosive kiss that had her pushing up on her tiptoes. Heat washed over her and her muscles went lax. The soft sounds of their kisses mixed with a low grumble at the back of his throat.
This wasn’t a test. This kiss lingered and heated. It seared through her, burned a trail right through the heart of her. Stole her breath and left her dizzy and more than a little achy.
When they finally broke apart, her brain had scrambled as her insides turned mushy. Seconds later, she still clung to him, half hanging off him. Those dark eyes searched her face, focused on her mouth, until she could barely breathe.
“Was that to make the engagement seem more real?” The question came out as a whisper. She regretted it a second later, sure that he would use it as an excuse to switch to the cool, in-control Derrick she’d met that first night.
He smiled at her. “Do you think there are cameras in here?”
“I meant were you trying to get me accustomed to kissing you.”
“I kissed you because I wanted to kiss you.” He skimmed his thumb over her lower lip. “For the record, fake engagement or not, I don’t want you to kiss me unless you want to.”
“We seem to be stepping into dangerous territory.”
“Agreed.” He pressed one last quick kiss on her mouth then stepped back. “Dinner?”
The sudden space between them had her emotionally flailing. She tried to act detached. Unaffected. “Okay, is that for the fake engagement?”
“You’re going to make my head explode.”
“Very sexy.”
He cupped her cheek and his fingers slipped into her hair. “Yes, you are.”
The simple touch, so light, felt so good…and so scary.
This was fake. This was about saving Noah and restoring Derrick’s reputation. But still. “Derrick.”
“Just dinner. For anything else I’ll need a clear green light.” He dropped his hand again.
“Wait, do you—”
“Since talking tends to get us in trouble, let’s eat.” He slipped around to his side of his desk and opened the top drawer. Out came his wallet and keys.
“This feels unsettled.” Probably because she wanted to jump on top of him, wrap her legs around his waist and keep kissing him.
“That’s my reaction every second since I met you.” He headed toward the door, clearly expecting her to follow him.
She still was not a fan of the way he assumed she’d acquiesce like everyone else seemed to do for him. “Is that my shirt?”
“Well, it isn’t mine.” He took the hanger off the hook on the door and handed it to her. “Here you go.”
She decided to ignore the sarcastic part of his response. “I’ve been looking for it.”
“I had it cleaned.”
The bag crinkled in her fingers. “For me?”
“I don’t plan to wear it.”
It sounded like they were back to the clipped sentences and defensive tone. She wondered if he was going to slip into that mode every time they kissed. “Are you being grumpy because I caught you doing a nice thing?”
“Don’t get used to it.”
She wasn’t sure if he meant the grumpiness or the nice gesture. Right then, she didn’t care.
The DC Insider: What happens when a nice dinner turns into a near fistfight? We’re not sure, either, but we think we came close to witnessing such an event. Rumors have been swirling about Ellie Gold’s last job and her unceremonious firing, but Derrick Jameson set us straight. She’s the innocent party, he insists. We would have asked more questions but he was busy taking his lady home for the evening—his home.