Page 28 of Pregnant by the CEO
They were supposed to be in a business arrangement and nothing more. But those kisses and the way he touched her, looked at her…how her heart thundered in her ears when he smiled. How she wanted to peel away the layers and peek beneath to see the real man.
Her attraction to him in more than an objective “oh, he’s good-looking” way was unexpected and kind of unwanted. It clouded everything. They were from different worlds and using each other. But the glimpses she’d seen weren’t of a thoughtless playboy who liked to throw money around. He was deeper than that. Far too likeable. Very tempting.
She sat on the stool at the massive kitchen island then stood again. “I feel like we’re inviting trouble being here alone.”
“You’re going to be moving in here soon.” Derrick took off his suit jacket and loosened his tie. Next he reached for one of the big double doors to the refrigerator and brought out two bottles of water. “You should get used to the place.”
“Not that soon.”
He set the bottles next to her on the countertop. “I’m thinking within days.”
“I’m saying within weeks.” She tried to mentally slam the brakes on all of this. The move, the engagement, the agreement. If the attraction she felt for him was real, should she really mix in the parts that weren’t? She really didn’t know anymore.
Life whizzed by her so quickly since she’d met him. Her brain rushed to keep up, but when that failed, her emotions took over. Her wants and needs won out. She wanted him to touch her again. To give in and take something for herself for a change.
“You really do thrive on being difficult,” he said.
She thought they were well matched on that score, but she didn’t bother to argue since that would only prove his point. “Maybe, but I’m still grateful.”
He put his hands on the counter on either side of her, trapping her there in a warm cocoon. “For what?”
Tension spun up inside her. She knew she could break out of his hold but the problem was she didn’t want to. That’s how little it took. He moved in, close enough for her to smell the soap on his skin, and her heartbeat took off in an all-out race. She wanted to run her fingers over the light stubble on his chin. Feel his mouth on hers.
She fought for breath as she pretended to stare at the white farmhouse sink behind him. “Look at this kitchen. My entire apartment would fit in here.”
His gaze searched hers until she looked at him again. “For what, Ellie?”
“What you said to Joe. How you stuck up for me without making me prove my side of the story.” She gave in to the need to touch him then. Let her fingers trail over his tie, follow it to the end and hang there. “For the nice dinner.”
“I don’t want your gratitude.”
Her stomach took off on a frenzy of somersaults. “What do you want?”
The deep voice, having that laser-like focus trained on her, the combination pushed the fight out of her. She’d been running and making excuses and coming up with arguments. But there, staring up at him, seeing the intensity in those eyes, she gave in.
She tugged on his tie and brought him in even closer. The air between them burned with a new energy. His mouth met hers and the rest of the world blinked out.
Heat roared through her as his lips crossed hers. Firm kisses. The sweep of his tongue over hers. One minute she stood there and the next he lifted her onto the counter. Her tight skirt bunched high on her thighs as he pushed them apart to stand between them.
His hands roamed over her back then to her neck. Fingers slid through her hair. His touch managed to be soothing and demanding at the same time. Heat radiated off him as she unknotted his tie. And when his mouth moved to her cheek then to her ear, a shiver stole her balance. She fell hard against him as his tongue traced a line down her neck.
They both made hungry, growling sounds and she ached for more. Her heels closed around his thighs, tightening his body against hers.
“Yes. Green light.” She caught his mouth again. The kiss seared through her, destroying her worries.
His hands skimmed around her body, over her breasts. She almost sighed in relief when she felt his fingers on her shirt buttons. The voice inside her head screamed for him to hurry, but a part of her wanted to savor every minute. Every lingering touch.
“Oh, damn. Sorry!”
The deep male voice rang out in the kitchen. Ellie heard it but it took her another few seconds to realize what was happening.
Someone was there, in the house. As soon as that thought registered in her brain, she shoved against Derrick’s chest. Their legs tangled together and his hand got caught in her shirt. When he stepped to the side, turned around and stood in front of her like a human shield, he almost ripped her silk blouse.