Page 17 of Taming of the Rogue
“You are a deplorable flirt,” she said.
“I am,” he said unapologetically.
A wide smile curved her mouth, and a glint made her eyes appear even prettier. “That I am immune to rakish wiles will do well for our lessons.”
He studied her with renewed interest. “How did you become immune?”
She tucked her chin, trying not to smile. “That, my lord, is none of your business. And on that note our lessons are over for today.”
He chuckled and stood. She dipped into a respectful curtsy and gathered her things. As she strolled away, he noted a smile still hovering about her mouth. There was something about her when she seemed pleased with herself. Perhaps the lady liked that she was resistant to his charms. Colin grinned, something decidedly primal stirring inside of him.
Nearing the door, she turned. “I would also recommend hosting a ball before the season is out, my lord. Nothing shows that you are as confident of your place in society as hosting your first ball.”
“I agree,” a crisp voice said, as the old dragon marched into the room.
She dipped into a curtsy, and he made the introductions to the old dragon.
“Lady Celdon,” she said, “A pleasure to make your acquaintance, your ladyship.”
The dragon ran a critical eye over Miss Fernsby and seemed to grant approval. “I have been spying on your tutelage Miss Fernsby, and I must say I am impressed.”
“Thank you, your ladyship,” she said, beaming.
“A fabulous suggestion for Celdon to host a ball.”
“I do not dance,” he said stiffly.
Miss Fernsby glanced at him. “Surely a tutor can be hired.”
“I already have a tutor.” He pinned her with a stare. “Are you not versed in ton dances?”
Two delightful spots rose on her cheeks, and the old dragon eyes sharpened.
“You expect me to teach you to dance, my lord?”
He stared at her for several seconds before smiling, “Yes, Miss Fernsby, I do.”
A ball of anticipation welled in his gut at the thought of her twirling in his arms, and the scent of her filling his nostrils. He took a calming breath and shored up his resolve to maintain his professionalism.