Page 17 of Slightly Wicked
“Your son has accumulated almost fifteen thousand pounds.”
Twenty thousand pounds was not a figure for any man to scoff at, even if he were a marquess with several holdings and estates. One thing Lucien had learned about the aristocrats when they came to gamble was that many did not have the liquid cash to pay their debts. They owned lands and estates but actually had very little money. The Marquess of Belgrave’s spending habits and how he settled his IOUs suggested he had very little liquidity.
Belgrave tugged at his cravat. “What is it that you want Glendevon? Are you saying these must be paid immediately?”
“No. That would be bad for business.”
“Then what?” he demanded tightly.
“A trade. Ten invitations and I will consider this debt settled to our house.”
The marquess frowned. “Ten invitations to what?”
“I understand your marchioness is hosting a ball. It seems this happens yearly and to receive an invitation is somewhat of a coup. That would be the first invitation.”
“Good God man, are you trying to penetrate theton?”
Lucien allowed a cool smile to curve his mouth. “Nothing so drastic and unreachable. I am merely seeking a proper introduction and would like you or your wife to help me with this.”
A speculative glint entered the marquess’s green eyes. “And who is this lady that is worth you sacrificing so much for an introduction.”
“A Miss Ellie Fairbanks. I believe she is the sister to the new Earl of Celdon.”
The marquess leaned back in his chair and considered him for a long time. Lucien did not rush into conversation but merely returned the man’s regard in that patient way of his that tended to frustrate his siblings when they wanted to draw his ire.
“And what are the other invitations?” the marquess asked.
“Simply balls. Random balls from your society.”
“All in the hopes of seeing Miss Fairbanks, eh?” the marquess asked that with a disbelieving chuckle. “And what if this young lady is not at those balls?”
“The probability says I might encounter her at about five of these balls. That is enough.”
The marquess shook his head. “And this will write off that twenty thousand pounds?”
“Incredible,” he muttered under his breath.
A sentiment his family would no doubt share once they discovered this deal.
They stood and shook hands on the matter. After the marquess left, Lucien exhaled deeply and tipped his head to the ceiling. He knew nothing might ever come of it, but for now, he wanted to enjoy being in the presence of one Miss Ellie Fairbanks. A rough chuckle escaped him. His sister, should she know of this, would tell him that he was being a fool chasing something that was beyond their reach. Lucien damn well knew it, yet he could not stop himself, not when thoughts of her crowded his every waking thought and dreams.
Hewaschasing Miss Ellie Fairbanks. Lucien smiled and wondered…will you run?
Lady Belgrave’s ball was a wonderful, overheated crush. Eleanor unfurled her dainty fan painted a delicate rose and gently swayed it. She was hardly cooled, but she recalled her earlier lessons this morning from her brother’s new wife, and the instruction had been that in public a lady did not vigorously move her fan. Eleanor had looked at Hermina and they had laughed for several moments, but Hermina had assured her it was these delicate pointers on propriety that made a lady stand out and shine. The dowager countess had urged Eleanor earlier to keep in mind all of the decorum lessons from this morning when she ventured out tonight.
A lady must wait for a gentleman to ask her to dance.
At all times she should remain close to the protection of her chaperone.
After dancing with a gentleman, it does not presume any sort of acquaintance, and if she wishes to acknowledge him afterward, a simple courteous nod was sufficient.
When a gentleman who has been properly introduced requests the honour of dancing, etiquette requires a positive reply, unless previously honorably engaged. A refusal might provoke gossiping.
Those had seemed to be the most important lessons the dowager countess repeated in the carriage, and Ellie kept them close to her heart.