Page 62 of Relentless
The room was empty. There wasn’t so much as a crate or a box inside. Ben didn’t know what it meant. This room was clean for some reason, the only one in the place without stuff strewn all over the floor, and that was enough to convince Ben not to go one step farther. “Back out, following the same steps.”
Connor nodded. “Got it.”
A minute later they all crowded at what looked like a hallway to nowhere. Jocelyn had Joel’s phone and was staring at something.
“It’s back here.” She made the announcement and grabbed for the shelves at the end of the hall. “This has to be fake.”
Ed shook his head. “There’s nothing there.”
Wide-eyed and half-desperate, she shot Ben a pleading look. “Help me.”
Joel looked at his phone, then nodded. “Nice job.”
Holstering their weapons, the two joined her while Connor kept watch. They slid their hands over the dusty shelves and kicked away the piles of wood and electrical supplies on the floor that blocked a better grip.
It took less than a minute for them to tug and strain before the wood near Joel gave. The shelves moved out to reveal stacks of boxes behind. They all reached at the same time. Grunting and shuffling, they set up a line and unloaded.
Connor shoved Colin toward the front of the work area and took Ed’s gun. “You don’t need to guard him. There’s nowhere for him to go.”
Ben wiped the sweat off his forehead. The stagnant air of the windowless space had them all wheezing. Jocelyn’s body shook from the force of her coughs, but she waved him off when he tried to get her to sit down.
Truth was Ben wanted all their help. There was a woman in there who could be dying. He’d had enough dying on his watch. This needed to be a win. For Kent, for Jocelyn, for all of them.
They got to the metal door and Joel went to work on the lock.
“Please hurry,” Kent said from right over Joel’s shoulder.
The pick didn’t work and the bullets ricocheted, promising more damage. Connor stepped in. He ripped the top pocket of his vest open and took out a small packet.
Explosives. Ben pushed the crowd back into the hallway as Connor dropped to one knee and put the putty on the door. “We need to take cover.”
“No, you can’t.” Kent tried to go up and over Ben. “She could be right on the other side.”
Ben caught the older man around the chest and shoved him back. “It’s the only way in.”
The comment was a lie. There were other ways. Longer ways. Plans that would guarantee his wife ran out of air. This was the best choice.
Ben didn’t say any of that. He was too busy rushing Jocelyn around the corner. They hunkered down and he dropped his body over hers, trying to cover every inch. She protected her head and he protected the rest of her. He glanced up only to see Joel running over to join them.
“Heads down and stick to the wall,” Joel said before nodding to Connor. “You’re good.”
The words were out and the deafening bang had sparks flying and chunks of metal and plaster falling around them. Pebbles of whatever was left rained down on them and littered the ground.
Ben glanced up and saw the door hanging on its hinges with half of it blown away. The hole led to the dark room beyond. When he started to stand up, Jocelyn tugged on his arm.
“I am not staying out here, so don’t ask.” Her eyes flashed with fire and her stern expression suggested no one mess with her.
Not that he intended to. This wasn’t an argument he intended to have. “Since there’s a partner hanging around somewhere, as soon as we break in and secure the place, I want you right next to me.”
They stood up and she brushed the thin film of dust off her face. “Romantic.”
They made a rush to the door, with Kent itching to go in first. Connor’s voice stopped him. “We don’t know what we’re going to see in here.”
“I’m a nurse.” Jocelyn pushed to the front and waited for Joel to clear the electrical wires and chunks of metal in their way.
“No offense but there are things that can happen and—”
Jocelyn sighed at Connor. “She might need medical attention and I plan on giving it to her no matter what you say.”
Fighting was the wrong tact. This needed to happen. “She’s going,” Ben said.
Joel shoved the last of the debris out of the way and nodded toward the inside. “We’re in.”
“Hold Kent,” Connor ordered.
“But I want—”
Ed slapped a hand on Kent before he could run. “Got him.”
Ben and Connor slipped in, checking each corner and the cabinet on the far side.
Connor opened the door and felt around. “Clear.”