Page 3 of My Fair Rakess
Caroline swallowed, clearly discomfited. “If he is such a villain, Ester, should you…should you be crossing him?”
Those iron-gray eyes swam in her thoughts again, but she only lifted her chin and pinned her cousins with a confident stare. “I am Ester Fairbanks. CanIbe afraid of a man like Edmond Glendevon?”
The flutterings in her belly said yes, but she resolutely hid it from her cousins. Someone needed to be strong and unflinching, or they would dissolve into hysterics.
“It is a risk,” Samuel muttered. “I do not like it, but it could be a sound plan. Without theIOU,I am not honor-bound to make any payments. Perhaps he might not even know it is missing. They hold so manyIOUsdaily. Even Lord Bennington recently lost fifteen thousand pounds.”
“Do not worry about the risks. I will be very careful.” Ester was quite aware that young ladies from backgrounds like hers did not act in such a willful and scandalous manner. At least not since her brother became the Earl of Celdon a year and some months ago. One of her sisters was also a duchess and the other a viscountess. It was even more important for the family’s reputation to remain polished. Ester had been trying so hard to be a dutiful and proper young lady these past few months, where even the old dragon, their indomitable grandaunt, seemed to be grudgingly approving.
But surely, this situation called for her to put aside that dutiful perfection for a night. The jolt of excitement at the naughty thought jolted Ester. With a wince, she admitted life had become tedious and stifling as she tried to mold herself into the person her mama now thought Ester should be so that thetonfound her worthy. How else would she make a match as good as her sisters? She swallowed her groan at recalling how often her mother asked that question.
“The risk to your reputation should you be caught is too great, cousin,” Samuel said, shaking his head. “I could not ask you to take such a chance in good conscience. We must think of something else.”
She lifted a shoulder in a shrug. “Do you want to hand over your estate and your money?”
He blanched and sat heavily on the sofa, burying his face in his hands. “No.”
Ester softened her tone. “Then allow me to execute my plan.”
“How are you to gain entrance?” Samuel muttered.
She smiled reassuringly at her cousins. “Leave that to me; do recall Ellie and I are identical. And she is welcomed at the gambling den.”
“Oh, Ester,” Caroline said softly. “You would really do this for us? Steal into that gambling den and snatch back the promissory note?”
Ester grinned daringly and tossed her head. “Why not?”
Whyever not indeed.
Mrs. Eleanor Glendevon, the eldest of the triplets, stared at Ester with eyes narrowed in contemplation. She fought not to squirm under that unwavering regard and lifted her chin. It was best to appear self-assured even if one quaked inside when dealing with her far too perceptive family. Especially when it came to sniffing out trouble. Surely, they owned the skill because they were intimately acquainted with getting into trouble.
Ellie finished tying the strings of her bonnet before canting her head to pin her with a fierce stare. “Whatever are you up to, Ester?”
She rolled her eyes. “Must you suspect my intentions, sister?”
Ellie waggled her brow. “You decided to invite yourself to stay with me for a few days, yet you’ve declined each time I invite you out with Lucien and me.”
“Surely, you do not expect me to be a third party to your outings with your husband. I tried it a few months ago, remember. You only had eyes for each other, and I do not want to recall what I caught you both doing at Vauxhall Gardens along the dark walk.”
Ellie blushed and then grinned sheepishly. “It was just a kiss.”
Ester shook her head and made atskingsound. “Your husband’s hands were on your—”
“Ester!” her sister cried, blushing even brighter than before. “Do not try to divert me from my concerns. You have questioned me about that gambling den every day for the last week when before you hardly cared about that place. Now, what is going on?”
Ester attempted an innocent smile. “I am merely curious.”
Ellie snorted. “I am your sisterandyour triplet. I know you better than anyone else. There is more afoot. I can feel it.”
Ester was tempted to bring the entire scheme to her sister’s attention but wanted her to have some deniability should the entire matter unravel. “It is simply to research for Lizzy’s latest adventure.”
Ellie narrowed her eyes. “Our sister writeschildren’sadventure stories. What information at the club could help her with the next installment ofThe Mischievous Adventures of the Fairgoods? And Lizzy just announced she is pregnant. I do not think her current priority is writing her books.”
“Perhaps that is why she needs help with her research?”