Page 44 of Compromised
The man smelled of too strong cologne and she tried to yank away, but he held her fast.
Melene looked up into the sharp-angled face and dark, cold eyes of none other than General Carl Phillip. Horror filled her insides like a million icy pinpricks.
“Finally I get you alone, and I didn’t even have to pay a million-dollar bounty.”
She should’ve screamed, but all she could gasp out was, “But … you’re … dead.”
He laughed—a cold, fathomless laugh. “Faking a death gives a brilliant, wealthy man so much leeway to create disaster and mayhem.”
Understanding made her stomach turn over and nausea crawl up her throat. “You came for me.”
“And for the Delta family secret weapon.”
“Weapon?” Melene had no idea what he was talking about.
“Isn’t that right, Lieutenant Delta?”
Melene tried to pull away again, but she couldn’t. She looked over her shoulder and saw Aiden through the murky darkness. Her heart leaped. He’d come for her. Maybe they couldn’t be together, but the fierce determination in the lines of his face and body told her he’d never let harm come to her.
“Release her and Imightmake your death less painful,” Aiden growled at the man. “No international incident when I skin you alive on my own property.”
Melene’s eyes widened. She’d never heard Aiden speak so violently, but it was because he cared so deeply for her. It sent a thrill down her despite the desperate situation she was in.
Phillip laughed. “Don’t be cheeky with me, squid. You don’t have your mates to back you up today, but I do.”
Men emerged from behind the trees closest to her and Phillip. Melene gasped and counted eight men who looked like they ate nails for snacks. Shaved heads, well-built bodies, and weapons strapped all over them.
“The wedding was the perfect distraction for me to get around the Deltas’ normally secure fortress. Nobody is as tight about security when hundreds of guests have infiltrated your property. But I hope when I kill you itwillbecome an international incident. This is how the end of your miserable life is going to play out,” General Phillip snarled at Aiden. “You and this beauty are going to come with us. You’re going to take me to the weapon and give it to me. Then if you cooperate fully, I’ll try to makeyourdeath less painful while I enjoy my prize.” His grip tightened on her.
Melene could hardly catch a breath. She could handle anything they threw her way, but she couldn’t let them kill Aiden. What on earth was this weapon they were after? The entire valley knew the Delta family was impressive and some of the family like Aiden, Esther, and Papa Delta were military, but this seemed a league above that. It explained why Thor and Greer knew security and handled their weapons so comfortably and why Papa Delta had easily pulled so many strings with the military to help her.
Aiden’s lips curved into a smile. What on earth was he smiling about? “You are such a typical and lame villain, Phillip,” he said. “Blustering and wasting time, and giving me plenty of time …”
“Time for what?” Phillip demanded.
“I’d explain, but unfortunately you’re too stupid to catch up. And regrettably, Idohave to make your death relatively painless,” Aiden said.
He yanked out a pistol from his suit coat so fast Melene barely registered what was happening before he fired. The general flew backward, his grip on her relaxing, but not enough. He pulled her off balance. She fell on top of him, his body cushioning the fall.
He didn’t cry out, and he wasn’t moving. His eyes were sightless, and blood covered his head.
Melene screamed and tried to scramble away.
“Melene!” Aiden rushed toward her, gun in hand.
Phillip’s men all had their guns out and pointed at Aiden. Melene got off the body but froze on her knees, pine needles and rocks poking through her dress.
“Stop!” one of them commanded. “We still have our orders, straight from King Frederick. We’re not supposed to kill you until we have the weapon, but we can maim you and make it a miserable walk to wherever you’re hiding it. With or without the general, we’ll get that weapon, and the woman appears to be a great motivator for you.”
“You’re even stupider than your general was.” Aiden’s smile grew. “Your idiot general gave me plenty of time to get mymateshere.”
The trees behind Aiden came alive and Melene’s eyes widened as every Delta family member, even the women in their gorgeous pale blue dresses, along with Klein Vance and Sheriff Reed Peterson, edged in to the sides of and behind Aiden. The only ones Melene didn’t see were the bride and Colton’s girlfriend Bailey.
They all had guns in their hands—some of them just had pistols while others wielded big, scary-looking guns. Melene was in shock. She’d had a few clues, but this confirmed it. The Deltas were obviously not the benevolent, smart, talented, and beautiful people the valley assumed they were.
Aiden gestured back with his head. “I count seventeen to eight. If you like the odds, by all means, take your shot. If you’ve got enough brains in those small skulls to realize you’re going to be slaughtered, because I promise you every one of my family members has better training than you’ve ever dreamed of having, lay down your weapons. Maybe you can pray whatever government you claim allegiance to will claim you.”
Tense seconds ticked by longer than hours. Would the men back down or would they start a blood bath, not wanting to be arrested or because of their blind allegiance to the murderous King Frederick? Melene couldn’t stand the thought of any of the Deltas being injured or killed while she kneeled here, especially Aiden. Her brain scrambled for something she could bargain with to stop Frederick’s men from shooting, but she had nothing. Could she at least be a distraction?