Page 77 of Accepted
Bridger grinned at her. “You’re so brave. I worried after yesterday you wouldn’t want to be in the water.”
She hadn’t even thought of yesterday as they swam. “I’m brave when you’re with me.”
Bridger moved in closer. “I like that,” he said.
The water from the waterfall somewhat shielded them from Ramsey and his men. Bridger treaded water with just his legs and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. The air rushed out of Avalyn. She was falling for him faster than she’d plunged from the airplane this morning. All thoughts of being a strong and independent woman disappeared when Bridger looked at her like that.
“Do you think I might get another kiss of gratitude?” Bridger said, barely loud enough for her to hear over the rush of the water next to them.
“How long can you tread water like that?” Avalyn asked.
Bridger grinned. “A long, long time.”
Avalyn knew she should show some restraint or her heart would be a goner. If they ever escaped from Ramsey, she’d shrivel and never be able to love again when Bridger moved on. But in this beautiful setting with the sheet of water next to them, the vines and cliffs on the other side, having just gone through something so horrific as being thrown out of a plane without a chute, and Bridger’s strong body close, she really had no resistance in her.
She leaned closer. Bridger’s lips brushed hers, and sheer joy encompassed her.
“Hey! Isn’t it cool back here?” Ramsey’s voice came from much too close by.
Avalyn jerked away from Bridger and glanced over at Ramsey’s mischievous smile.
“I’m going to kill you very soon, Ramsey,” Bridger muttered.
Ramsey laughed like that was the funniest thing he’d ever heard. “I hope so, my friend.”
Bridger shook his head at Avalyn. His arms loosened around her, and she swam through the waterfall and back out. Ignoring all the men around her, she lay on her back and floated, looking up at the blue, blue sky above. She prayed that somehow, someway, they’d get away from this crazy man and she could get back to the children. But then she wouldn’t have Bridger holding her close anymore.
When she tired of floating, she swam to the side and the men followed her out of the pool. They both shrugged back into their shirts, and Bridger and Avalyn put their shoes back on.
“Thanks for hanging out with me,” Ramsey said, as if they were all friends.
Bridger stared at him. “You have so many screws loose, not even an aerospace engineer could fix that nut-job brain of yours.”
Ramsey threw back his head and laughed. “My mom used to tell me I had screws loose all the time.”
Bridger looked at Avalyn and did the crazy symbol with his finger by his ear. Avalyn giggled, and then she started laughing and couldn’t stop. Bridger and Ramsey both joined in, and Avalyn knew it was insane that she could laugh in the middle of this situation, but it was a release she needed. Then she glanced at Ramsey, who was laughing and looking at her warmly, like she was his younger sister or something. The guy really was insane. At least he hadn’t thrown her off the waterfall or sacrificed her to the island spirits.
Avalyn sobered and started back down the trail. She had to get out of this alternate reality, or she was going to be as nuts as Ramsey.
When they got back to the yacht, the sun was dipping close to the horizon. Thankfully Ramsey told them good night, so they wouldn’t have to endure his presence any longer. The gleam in Ramsey’s eyes as he said goodbye robbed the breath from Avalyn’s lungs. What would he do to her tomorrow? She couldn’t let her mind go there. At least they’d have the reprieve of being together tonight without his weird comments or looks.
Yet as they walked toward their room, her apprehension grew for a different reason. She would’ve willingly kissed Bridger under the waterfall, but was that smart? How did you ask an adventurer, a free spirit, if he would commit to you and your causes forever, especially in a situation like this? You didn’t. It was stupid, and she hated to envision Bridger smirking at her if she did ask. Would he lie and say yes, or would he just laugh and tell her not to worry about tomorrow? She would be with him on that one. She didn’t want to think about tomorrow and another chance for Ramsey to kill her.
They entered their room, and Bridger told the guards good night and shut and locked the door behind them. The rolling tray full of food was already waiting for them. Avalyn wondered about Ramsey’s staff, especially his guards, who were so devoted to him.
“Hungry?” Bridger asked.
She nodded. They sat down and ate. Avalyn was afraid there would be awkward silence, but Bridger started telling her stories about his brothers when they were younger. He made her laugh quite a few times as she ate some boneless ribs, rice, and broccoli.
After dinner, they took turns showering, and Avalyn waited nervously as Bridger showered. Would he expect to sleep cuddled up again tonight? She’d loved that, but she wasn’t sure it was in her heart’s best interest. Her nerves were to the stretching point when the bathroom door finally opened.
Bridger strode out in only some low-slung sweats. Avalyn put a hand to her throat, suddenly unable to breathe. Why did he have to look so marvelous? How was she going to resist him? Especially when she’d been the one to ask him to cuddle last night.
He looked her over and said, “You okay?”
Avalyn nodded. She wouldn’t tell him that she worried over falling in love with him almost as much as she worried over what Ramsey might have planned tomorrow. Her normal life seemed far away right now, but she worked long days securing funding, speaking or writing about how to help the children and motivate people to be more charitable, and—most importantly—traveling and spending time one on one with her little ones. There were so many adorable faces in her mind. She couldn’t simply fall in love and follow Bridger around the world, forget about her purpose in life.