Page 5 of More than a Companion
Honora’s color rose as she narrowed her eyes, ignoring her aunt’s attempts to break into the conversation. This gentleman was more than a little rude; he was disparaging, arrogant, and haughty and Honora’s dislike of him only grew.
“I do not give a fig as to who you might be, sir,” she said clearly, all too aware of her aunt’s wide eyes. “If you are a high titled gentleman, then you may wish to act in such a way so that we do not think so little of your choice of behavior.”
Silence spread between the three of them, but Honora did not drop her gaze. Holding her head high, she looked back at the gentleman steadily until, finally, he grimaced and returned his gaze to her aunt.
“Clearly, I did not either see you or give you my attention,” he said, making Honora frown at his tone. The man was not regretful, nor did he attempt to give them even a single word of apology! It seemed as though he was determined to keep his pride in place at all costs. She dropped her head so that she would not have to look at the gentleman’s arrogant face, linking her fingers together so that her hands clasped gently in front of her. The last thing that was required of her here was to say something more to him, despite just how much she might wish it. No doubt Lady Langdon was more than displeased with her already.
“No, you did not,” her aunt snapped, harshly. “Now, permit us to make our way to our hosts so that we might greet them and pray do not attempt to hinder us any longer!” She threw one hand out towards Honora, who started at the sudden attention. “Come, Honora.”
The gentleman turned to look at Honora more directly, but she remained in place, choosing to keep her eyes far from his in the hope that he would step aside and allow them both to pass. She heard a rattle of frustration emit from his lips but still did not look at him, turning now towards her aunt.
“But of course.” The gentleman cleared his throat, opening one hand out towards their hosts. “On this occasion, I shall step aside and permit you to make your way to the receiving line whilst I take my place behind you.”
The arrogance with which he spoke made Honora want to send a stinging riposte flying towards him but a quick glance at her aunt’s sharp eyes still fixed to the gentleman, rendered her silent. Lady Langdon moved forward, and Honora went with her, marching past the gentleman, who had stood to one side, his head bowed, and one arm stretched outwards towards the receiving line.
“What a despicable gentleman,” her aunt murmured, as Honora shook her head in disgust. “I cannot believe he thought to behave so!” Her eyes turned towards Honora. “Although you ought not to have said a word, Honora.”
“That gentleman deserved his setdown, aunt,” Honora replied, her voice lowering as they approached the receiving line. “I could not restrain myself.”
She tensed, waiting for her aunt’s reproach but, much to her surprise, her aunt smiled suddenly, chuckling for a moment.
“Indeed, he did,” she replied, grinning and relieving Honora’s fear all in one moment. “But not all gentlemen are asheis. In fact, he is the poorest of all poor gentlemen, and those, I am certain, are very few in number. How unfortunate that I should meet such a fellow at my first ball in London!”
“I am sure that you will soon meet someone much improved,” Honora replied, coming to a stop just behind her aunt as their hosts began to greet the lady and gentleman before them. Taking in a deep breath, she set her shoulders and forced a smile to her lips. She had to forget all about that gentleman and, instead, focus on making a good impression on Lord and Lady Yarmouth. Even as a companion, she could not allow herself to behave at all improperly. It would reflect poorly on both herselfandher aunt.
“Good evening, Lady Langdon.”
Honora’s stomach tightened as she waited for her aunt to introduce her. It took some minutes, for Lady Langdon seemed intent on conversing with Lady Yarmouth at length.
“Oh, and this is my niece, Miss Honora Gregory.”
Lord and Lady Yarmouth looked towards Honora, who now felt so very nervous that it was difficult to even smile.
“Good evening, Miss Gregory,” Lord Yarmouth said, smiling. “I recall your aunt informing us that you would soon be joining her in London.”
“Good evening, Lord Yarmouth,” Honora replied, dropping into her curtsy and all too aware of Lady Yarmouth’s scrutiny as she tried to smile at the lady. “Lady Yarmouth.”
Lady Yarmouth’s eyes softened but it was to Lady Langdon that she spoke.
“My dear Lady Langdon, you have a beautiful niece,” she said, her eyes still on Honora, although the compliment made her blush. “I am sure you will do very well, my dear. Is this your first ball? I am sure that Lord Crampton would be more than happy to dance with you.”
Honora glanced behind her to where the gentleman who had been so very rude to her and her aunt now stood. The gentleman that Lady Langdon was now looking at.
“You are not introduced?” Lord Yarmouth asked, looking at Lady Langdon, who shook her head although her lips parted, clearly wanting to say something but having no opportunity to do so. “Ah, well then permit me to do so now!”
Honora’s stomach twisted as she was forced to turn around and look directly into the eyes of the gentleman for whom she had nothing but disdain. The man looked back at her without even a flicker of interest in his eyes and nothing but tightness about his lips. It was clear to Honora that he had no eagerness to be introduced to her either.
“Might I introduce Viscountess Langdon, wife to the late Viscount Langdon, and her niece, Miss Honora Gregory.”
Honora dropped into a curtsey, lowering her eyes as she did so.
“And this is the Earl of Crampton. Lord Crampton only came into the title a little before the beginning of last Season but has taken to the role very well indeed.”
“How very good to meet you, Lord Crampton,” Honora heard her aunt say, although a small smile slid across her face at her aunt’s cool tone. She saw Lord Crampton’s face color slightly, and he cleared his throat. His eyes darted from one side of the room to the other and Honora had to wonder if the gentleman was a little embarrassed.
“Good evening,” he replied, bowing low, his tone grave. “I am very glad to make your acquaintance.”
“And I am sure you would be glad to dance with Miss Gregory this evening?” Lady Yarmouth chipped in, sounding very cheerful indeed, as though she were doing Honora a great favor which, under any other circumstance, Honora would have been grateful for. She could do nothing other than lower her eyes, waiting for someone – anyone – to speak. There was no part of her thatwantedto stand up with Lord Crampton but, given the circumstances, Honora knew that she could not refuse, nor show even a hint of disdain for the idea.