Page 44 of Going Too Far
He pointed at a poster and then back at me. “This would have been the tour you didn’t get to see, Mom,” he said, smiling. “It was the year I was born.”
I felt Dean’s gaze on me, and my cheeks warmed. A small part of me felt panicky, but I knew no one could read my thoughts. My secrets were my own.
“Who wants popcorn?” I asked, changing the subject.
Dean chuckled, and I shifted my gaze to him and smiled.
“Happy? I was a fan,” I said to him.
He smirked and said nothing.
I watched as he walked over to the popcorn machine and stared at it as if he wasn’t sure what to do with it. I realized he’d never actually used it himself. Before he could call Maegan and possibly get her in here, I moved toward him.
“I can figure it out if you want to set up the movie. Cam can help you sign in to my account,” I told him.
He looked relieved. “That I can do,” he replied.
I was able to figure out the process easy enough, and when the sound of popping kernels began, the screen also lit up. Cam’s laughter echoed through the room, and I glanced over to see Dean grinning. He had said something that amused Cam. The way he was looking up at Dean with complete hero worship was new for me.
There had been little to no men in my life, and none of them had ever been allowed around Cam. I hadn’t trusted anyone that much.
This was the first time I was trusting a man around my son. Granted, it was a famous man that my son idolized, but still, this was a big step for me. I was trusting Dean with Cam, and I hadn’t realized I was doing it until now.
Was this a mistake?
“Mom! You want a soda?” Cam asked me.
I shook my head. “A water is fine.”
“Can I have some candy too?” he then asked me.
I glanced at Dean, who was looking at me with ago on, let the boy have some candyexpression.
I nodded. Why not? I was letting all this happen and not thinking of the repercussions. What harm would some candy do?
I filled three bags with popcorn and handed them out before going to find a seat. Cam took a chair in the row in front of me, and Dean took a seat in a chair two seats down from mine. We were all spread out. Somehow, I hadn’t expected that.
A part of me had thought Dean would sit beside me. I was reluctant to admit I had wanted him to. My feelings for him had taken a turn tonight, or maybe it was that I was willing to accept how he made me feel now that he had made Cam so happy. Before, I had fought it and denied feeling anything for Dean. After all he had done for Cam, my walls were down.
Dean’s, however, seemed to be going up. I glanced at him and watched as he took a drink of his soda, then tossed a handful of popcorn in his mouth. Not once did he look in my direction. His gaze was locked on the screen in front of him. So much so that it seemed forced. Was he trying not to look at me? What had I missed? Normally, he did all he could do to get me to talk to him. He would go as far as baiting me with his words just to get my attention.
Tonight, he was different. Was it because of Cam?
The movie began, and I moved my eyes to the screen. I knew enough about the Marvel world to follow along. Cam had made me watch all the movies, but I still didn’t really care about it. I simply watched them to have something to do with Cam.
I was more aware of Dean that anything else. The times I glanced his way, he was engrossed in the movie. Then, his phone lit up, and he stepped out of the theater. I had a hard time concentrating on what was happening on the screen when the time went by and Dean didn’t return. Just as the credits began to scroll did he step back into the room. I watched as he stretched and yawned.
Cam jumped up, thrilled with the ending, and didn’t seem to know Dean had been missing for the entire second half of the movie. I said nothing as Cam chatted happily with Dean about the Marvel world and what he and I had just watched. Dean did a good job, following along.
He led us to the door and out to the elevator while they talked. He didn’t look at me or say anything. I had become invisible, it seemed. When the elevator doors opened and we stepped inside, Dean remained where he was.
“Thanks, Dean! Good night!” Cam said to him just as the doors closed.
I said nothing at all, but then again, Dean hadn’t even glanced my way.