Page 67 of Going Too Far
She laughed then, but it didn’t reach her eyes. What the hell was wrong? What could be this … holy fuck.
I grabbed her arm then and looked into her eyes. “You’re not pregnant, are you?” I asked.
I’d shot so much cum into her that I wasn’t sure the IUD could handle it all. I was fifty-three years old. I was too old for a baby.
She laughed loudly, then covered her mouth with her hand. Those big blue eyes staring up at me. I let out a sigh of relief. That was clearly not it.
“Okay, I take that as a no,” I replied, grinning at her amusement.
“Can we sit?” she asked me then.
This seemed serious. As inI can’t do this anymore, we need spaceserious. That wasn’t going to fucking happen.
I looked at the sofa and back at her. “You’re not ending this,” I told her.
She gave me a sad smile and shook her head. “No, Dean, I am not ending this.” But the way she said it sounded as if there were unspoken words left hanging.
I walked over to the other side of the sofa and sat down. Spread my arms across the back of the sofa and propped my feet up onto the ottoman. “In that case, spit it out, so we can go fuck,” I said, then winked at her.
She walked over as if she were going to sit, then paused. I watched her take a deep breath.
“Okay, I need to go back in time. Bear with me,” she said.
I nodded, waiting for her to say more.
She opened her mouth to say something, then shook her head and closed her eyes. “I don’t know where to begin exactly. I’m sorry. I thought I did, but now, I’m not sure.”
“Just talk, baby. You’ve got my full attention,” I assured her.
“That concert of yours I didn’t go to,” she began.
I nodded my head in encouragement.
“Well, I didn’t get inside, but I did walk around outside. I was so lost in thought, trying to accept my best friend was inside with my boyfriend and that they’d been messing around behind my back for a while.” She waved a hand, as if that was unimportant. “Anyway, I got lost. It was dark, and then a man spoke up. I got nervous, realizing I’d walked away from the cars and security to the back of the coliseum.
“The man was alone and smoking a joint. He talked to me a moment, and then he walked into the moonlight. I was speechless. There before me was … you.”
Me?I frowned and waited for more. Why was she just now telling me about this? It seemed strange. I wanted to ask, but I needed to hear more.
“We talked. You thought I was a groupie. I didn’t correct you. I was young,” she said.
“How young?” I asked.
My stomach knotted up, and I swore. “Please tell me I didn’t fuck you.”
She took a deep breath, and her gaze leveled on mine. I had my answer. I had fucked a seventeen-year-old kid.
“I told you I was twenty-one,” she said. “You’d asked, and I lied. I had known you wouldn’t keep talking to me if you knew my age.”
“And I believed you?”
She nodded. “Yes.”
I ran a hand through my hair and dropped my feet to the floor, leaning forward with my elbows on my knees. I needed to hear all of this, but there was a part of me that wanted her to stop talking now. I wanted to end story time and go fuck the grown Brielle.
“We went to your bus. You had me take off my dress for you. Then, you took me to a bed, and we had sex. You passed out right after you climaxed and rolled off me. I stood to leave.”