Page 86 of Losers, Part I
“That’s better.” He kissed my mouth before he let me go, driving on like nothing at all had happened. Except now my heart had quickened, and I was sweating even more, my bare thighs awkwardly clenched together.
“Here’s the thing, Jess,” he said. “It’s not about the ears. It’s not even about the costume. It’s about subservience.”
“Subservience? What, like he wants me to serve him? Be his slave? That’s familiar.” I stopped myself short of sayingsomething sarcastic. I desperately needed to get my tongue under control.
“Trust me on this, because I know it’s not something you’re good at.” He gave me a sly glance as he turned onto the dirt road toward his house. “Be a good girl for him. Okay?”
“That’s it?” I said. “Just be good? Don’t be abrat, you’re saying?” He nodded, and I sighed softly. “You’re right. I’m not good at that.”
“He’d still enjoy you even if you were your regular sassy self,” he said. Their front gate was already open, so he was able to pull straight into the yard. “But I’m telling you this for yoursake. Jason has a paddle in his room that I’m not sure you want an intimate meeting with, but he’d gladly introduce you.”
“I thought you said Jason was a brat,” I said, slipping out of the harness as Vincent parked in the garage. The white Z was parked right next to us, and the damage that had been done to it was now repaired. The Mustang and the El Camino, on the other hand, were still sporting some large dents, but their windows and tires had been replaced. “Honestly, who uses that paddle more: you, or him?”
“I do, but that means he’s eager for a turn on the other end of it,” Vincent said. “Make sure you put on those ears and collar before we go inside. They’re going to expect you to be fully dressed.”
I did as he said, the collar jingling with every step across the yard. I was greeted by a blast of blessedly cool air and some very excited dogs as we stepped into the house. I expected Manson and Lucas to be in the garage, but Manson called to me from the living room as I knelt down to give some love to Jojo and Haribo.
“Let’s see that little dress you’re stuck in, Jess!”
I pursed my lips at how amused he sounded. I walked into the living room with Vincent right behind me, to find Manson and Lucas sprawled out on the sectional sofa. Lucas had oneleg thrown on top of Manson’s, game controllers clutched in both their hands. The TV showed a game menu for something involving bright characters and big guns.
“Well, goddamn…” Manson got to his feet, circling me slowly. “I didn’t understand the appeal of the ears before, but I think I get it now.”
“Have I unlocked a new kink, Manson?” I said. He was dressed casually today in black joggers and a ribbed white undershirt, but not even his relaxed clothes could stop me from staring. He hooked his finger on my collar, tugging me closer.
“Unlocked a new one…maybe,” he said. “You’ve definitely catered to an old one. I like this collar on you. I should put you in collars more often.”
Lucas hadn’t gotten up from the couch, but he leaned forward as he said, “Give me a little twirl, let’s see the back.”
I obeyed, unable to resist a cheeky smirk as I turned and slightly bent forward, giving him the best view of my ass beneath the tiny skirt. He exhaled aggressively, like a bull snorting before he charged.
“Someone is going to have to rip that thing off you,” he said, his gravel tone telling me he’d prefer to be the one to do it.
“And that someone is right upstairs,” Vincent reminded him. “Jason’s never going to get her in one piece if you pervs keep drooling.” He steered me out of the room and back into the hall as Lucas threw up his hands in protest.
“I’ll decide when I’m done drooling, asshole!” he called, but Vincent ignored him. He opened a door in the hall, rummaging around in the storage closet, before he pulled out a large bag. “Here are the toys from Satin. You remember where his room is, right?”
I nodded as I grabbed the bag. Jittery nerves had my stomach feeling like a shaken can of soda — but what did I have to be nervous for? It was just Jason…sharp-eyed, unassuming Jason,who looked at me like he could see under my skin, who’d eaten me out until my legs shook. Who was rather ridiculously well-endowed…
Yeah. Nothing to be nervous about at all.
I marched up the stairs, aware of Vincent’s eyes on my back the entire time. I didn’t look back, but I did hear him say to Manson and Lucas, “Hurry up and get on Discord. Jason’s going to have his headset on.”
Only thirty seconds remained, and I’d just planted the bomb.
DumpTruckKiller and I were the last two alive, and the enemy team was moving in. I crouched behind a wall as the bomb ticked, wincing when DumpTruck cursed sharply over the headset and said, “Shit, I’m down.” It was just me, then. One versus five. The clock ticked down.
A helmet popped out in an alley, and I fired, killing him instantly. If one was here, the others wouldn’t be far behind.
Two more. I took out another enemy with a headshot, but the second one dodged me, crouching behind barriers as they made their way closer to my location. Footsteps pounded behind me and my screen flashed red as gunfire popped, my health bar rapidly declining with only two seconds remaining.