Page 53 of Sheltered
The next one landed on the side of his head. Something hard and possibly metal. Holt tried to reason it out as he forced his body to keep from keeling over, but the room started to spin and bile ran up the back of his throat.
He forced his eyes open as he watched Lindsey, all panicked and jumpy, put her hand against the partition separating them. Then a blinding pain flashed across his temples and everything went black.
* * *
SIMON CLOSED DOWN his computer and removed the hard drive. He had numerous security measures in place. No one but him had computer access at the camp, so unwanted access to the outside world rarely was a problem for him.
He never left anything lying around that he didn’t want found. Sometimes that was the best way to spread the word about some bit of news, like the leak about Grant and hints about Lindsey’s involvement. Start the gossip and let the members spread it so he could rush in and console. Most times, he had information no one else needed to know.
Today he was in a rush to see Lindsey. She’d been on-site for an hour. Cameras carefully monitored her position. As soon as he had a word with Hank about the new expectations for his position, he would meet his honored guest.
Today was the day.
There was a knock at the door, but before he had a chance to say anything Todd came storming in. “We have a new problem.”
Not one to bellyache without reason, Todd was the type of guy who rarely showed nerves and when he did everyone got scared. But he wasn’t privy to everything happening at the camp or with the people involved in the activities. More than likely he saw an expected entrance as a problem.
“I see Hank has arrived.” Simon had watched it all on the monitors, then sat back and waited to see what Hank would do. He didn’t show any signs of nerves or of wanting Lindsey back, which Simon found interesting. “Good. I’m in the mood for a demonstration of loyalty. It’s his turn.”
“That’s just it. He’s not Hank.”
Something inside Simon crashed. He oversaw every careful plan, every perfectly placed domino. He could ill afford to have Hank be a wild card. “What?”
“Lindsey called him Holt.”
More than likely Hank was short for Holt or some other name. They all sounded close, so Simon didn’t worry about that. No, he had a much bigger concern and it dealt with ongoing incompetence. “How did they see each other? She is locked up and he is...where?”
Todd didn’t hide or back down, despite the rise in Simon’s voice at the end. “He is with her. Now. He came on the property and went straight to the barn. Didn’t work or go to the lockers.”
For Simon to believe that Hank or Holt just knew to go there would amount to a coincidence. Simon didn’t believe in those. He would need to be open to those, and he wasn’t. Not even a little. “You’re certain?”
“He didn’t draw any attention. Acted as if he was doing work, but he went out there.” Todd shrugged. “You could see the guy’s training.”
Simon had seen some of that talent on the video screens and believed Hank, or whatever his name was, was checking in just like any other day. But it sounded as if he’d switched to rescue mode and Simon didn’t know how Hank would know where Lindsey was or that she needed help in the first place.
He rarely made mistakes but suddenly Simon questioned every piece of information he’d gathered on this Holt or Hank guy. “You followed, I assume.”
Todd nodded. “Yes.”
“Good work.” Now Simon would rip down every wall until he got the truth out of Hank, which raised another issue. “You said Hank went to find Lindsey.”
“Found her.” Todd’s mouth fell into a flat line. “He’s locked in with Lindsey.”
The cell. One door and a firm see-through bulletproof shield. Just what Simon needed for questioning. “Perfect. They can celebrate seeing each other for the last time.”
“Who do you think he really is? I mean, come on. Those skills are impressive. I had the advantage of surprise on my side, but without it...” Todd shook his head. “I don’t know.”
Simon did. He knew his men could take on one dishonorably discharged military member and come out ahead.
“I’m more concerned that Hank knew about the location of the building. No one goes there.” Simon made sure of it. He did some work on the structure, but no one ventured out that far. If they did they were told to stay away.
“It was like she led him there somehow.”
“It would appear Hank or Holt or whatever he calls himself has a lot of explaining to do.” And some secrets Simon wanted to uncover.
“Are you going to let him talk?” Todd sounded as though he’d prefer the answer to be no.