Page 62 of Sheltered
“Now, Holt.” She scraped her fingernails against his lower back to let him know she was serious.
His rhythm stayed steady and he pressed in deep. With each movement he brought her in tight. Held her hips steady so she could feel every inch. But when his fingers dipped below her waist and dragged through her heat, something exploded inside her. Need washed through her as her hips lifted off the mattress.
She exhaled as the tension clamping down inside her released. Her hips moved and her body bucked as the pulses pounded through her. She held on to him through it all. Feeling his body stiffen as the pleasure became too much. The release hit him right as she finished, their bodies in sync until the end.
When she finally came up for air again, she saw daylight outside her window. Birds sang and the rain from the night before lingered in the air, giving everything that fresh scent.
Not that she wanted to be outside. The mix of sheets and his warm body felt so much better. She knew that sooner or later she’d need to get up and face the world. There were questions and documents. The media kept calling. Corcoran Team members called and checked in with Holt to make sure he was okay after his injuries.
That was a lot of reality for her to handle right now. She already had the aftermath of being abducted and stepping so close to death. In her mind, her uncle had been dead for years. Then he was alive. Now he was dead again. She knew she should mourn in some way, but the tears refused to fall.
That wasn’t the case for Deputy Frank or Roger. She mentally added both names to the already long list of casualties and felt their losses. And Justice was awash in law enforcement officials. Holt told her ATF, FBI and others had swarmed over the campground. She hoped that meant an end to New Foundations, but only time would tell on that issue.
She rolled over, groaning from all the aches and pains. “I could sleep for a month.”
“Do you mean sleep or have sex?” His voice carried an early morning husky grumble. “Because I’ll need vitamins if it’s the latter.”
She kind of doubted that. The man had amazing stamina. Amazing everything.
She threw her arm across his chest and prepared to stay there all day. “We should eat something.”
“I’d rather not fly without eating.”
The comments had her eyes popping back open. He didn’t move, which figured. She sat up and glared at him because he’d earned it.
Finally one of his eyes inched open. He looked startled to see her there hovering. “What?”
“Plane?” Right now she was ticked off at having the information dropped on her like that, but she could easily move through a few more emotions depending on what else he had to say.
He slipped an arm behind his head. “I have to get back for a check-in with Connor and debrief.”
“I barely know what any of that means.” It all sounded official and work-like. It made sense that he needed to give the information while it was all fresh. She’d had to answer what felt like a thousand questions before she could leave the campground yesterday.
He smiled up at her. “Basically—”
“I don’t care.”
The smile faded as quickly as it came. “Okay.”
He couldn’t possibly think she cared about the intricacy of a crime scene and the aftermath. She’d be dealing with her own emotional fallout on this one. Likely for weeks, maybe more. There had been so many shocks and such horror. All that death.
The one bright spot—some days the only one—had been him. He made the terrible bearable. He warmed her heart and set her bed on fire.
She didn’t know what kinds of relationships he’d had before. Not serious, from the sound of them. But she knew what this one wasn’t—ordinary and forgettable. This transcended. At least it had for her.
But if he could pack up and leave and not spend two minutes thinking about her, then she had more than aftermath ahead of her. She had a blinding heartbreak that would leave her raw and aching. Just thinking about losing him touched off a pain in her stomach.
She wanted him to just know what to do next, but she needed things spelled out. “Are you coming back?”
He had the nerve to frown at her. “When?”
She sat up, dragging the sheet along with her. “You cannot be this slow.”
Wariness fell over him as tension thickened the room. “What are you talking about?”
“There’s something between us.” It took much for her to admit that out loud. To go out on that limb and hold the risk by herself.
“I agree.”
Relief zinged through her. “The question is what we’re going to do about it.”
Slow and deliberate he sat up. Not the whole way. Just balancing on his elbows as he surveyed her. Studied her as he might a map. “I don’t know.”