Page 12 of Neighbor Nik
Today, a week after Nik moved in, I planned to push him a little more. It was wrong, but that damn Toni bugged me about Nik every day at work.Have you talked to him? Tell him you like him. Just kiss him, he’ll get the idea.
But I always thought about his girlfriend and how heartbroken she’d be if he cheated on her. I knew I’d be devastated if it were me, just like my mom had been with my dad.
So I didn’t do anything Toni suggested. But I also couldn’t help myself from doing nothing. Or feeling nothing. Mostly, I just wanted Nik in my life in some form… like a friend.
From what I could tell, he worked nights. He was usually up and about when I got home from working the breakfast shift at Breakers Diner after 12:00 p.m.
Julian Thompson had come into the diner ten minutes before my shift was over. This guy had been after me since high school, but clean-cut and preppy wasn’t my type. Julian was what I’d call a pretty boy. Respectful, funny, and the smartest person I knew. After we graduated four years ago, he went to UCLA, majoring in economics.
I hadn’t seen Julian until last month when he started showing up during my morning shift. He would sit in my section, order stuffed French toast with bacon and coffee, and leave me a ten-dollar tip. He also asked me to dinner… every single time.
So I thought to myself,Rita, Julian can help you with Nik. I also had a second thought:Why do I need help with Nik?
Granny would never approve of me dating him. She’d commented about guys riding motorcycles being bad news. I was sure she felt that way because my mother had always been drawn to bikers.
Even so, if Nik really wanted me, he would have dumped his girlfriend and marched his sexy-abs-of-steel body over and asked me out.
But he didn’t do any of that.
And I couldn’t forget about his girlfriend, who was perched on the back of his bike—four out of the last eight nights—when he’d get home from work after two in the morning.
Well, okay, she hadn’t been over the previous two nights. But still.
Yeah, I’d been spying on him—on them—from my bedroom window. Not gonna lie. I had serious issues with Nik. Obsessively so.
In one week, I had turned into a stalker freak. To quell my curiosity, I invited Julian over to my house. I wanted to see if Nik would do anything. If he ignored me, I would be able to forget about him. Or so I told myself.
As I pulled into my driveway, Nik was out washing his Harley. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect.
Julian parked his expensive new Acura on the street. When he got out and waltzed toward me, Nik raised from his squatting position. I could tell he was checking out Julian in his white button-down shirt and royal-blue striped tie and gray slacks.
“Do you mind if we sit here?” I pointed at the steps on the porch. “I don’t want to wake Granny.” I wasn’t lying. She usually napped after her eleven o’clock lunch.
Julian loosened the neck of his shirt. “Sure.”
It wasn’t as warm today, ninety-two, but in the shade, it was pleasant with the gentle breeze blowing in the air. It swirled around me, making my insides buzz and hum.
Clearly, a sign that Nik was breathing the same air as me again.
Julian talked about his trip to London last month. I nodded and smiled, but my gaze rarely left Nik’s. My fuzzy mind had to have been why I said, “I’d love to visit the UK someday.”
“I’ll take you next spring. I’ve already got another trip lined up.”
“Oh, uh. We’ll see.” I knew full well I’d never go with Julian anywhere. So why didn’t I just say no? It was Nik across the street getting me all flustered. I was sure of it.
Julian and I talked about the old days, laughing and having a jolly time. But through it all, Nik didn’t seem to care. Though he had taken an extra-long time washing his bike.
The man was positively sinful in low-slung jeans and a black muscle shirt. From the porch, I could see the tension in his shoulders. His movements were clipped and rough.
“Rita?” Julian put his hand on my bare knee, which was bare since I was wearing the Breakers Diner uniform of shorts and a T-shirt. “Did you hear me?”
The clinking of metal hitting the ground made me stiffen. Nik looked directly at me, or so I thought. Those damn sunglasses were becoming a problem.
“No, sorry. What did you say?” I straightened when Nik stalked toward my house. The very sight of him made my heart race and my clit throb. The buzzing and humming grew more intense in my core with every wide stride he took.
Julian took his hand off my knee. “Never mind…”
“Rita?” Nik’s voice was tight and laced with irritation.