Page 31 of Neighbor Nik
I couldn’t wait to be alone with her, but I was also scared. This step I was about to take with her was monumental. It might also be too soon. We’d only met two weeks ago. But I wasn’t stupid. What I felt when I was with Rita soothed my soul and chased away the darkness. I had to try with her. I only hoped she didn’t destroy me.
I stared at Granny shellshocked. She couldn’t have said what I thought she said. I shook my head emphatically. “No.”
She sighed. “I know I should have told you sooner, but I just didn’t know if I could trust her.”
“Yes, Rita. It is true.” The guilt in Granny’s eyes nearly destroyed me.
My chest felt like it was about to cave in on my lungs. I couldn’t breathe as I stared out the front window at Nik’s place. His garage door was open but I couldn’t see him.
“I can’t deal with this now, Granny. When I return tomorrow afternoon, we can discuss her further.” I checked the time. I was ten minutes late. “Remember, Toni will check on you.”
“I don’t need a babysitter.”
“I know. But it’ll make me feel better.” I kissed her cheek. “I love you, Granny.”
“I love you too. If Nik gives you any trouble, I’ll deal with him.”
I cracked a smile. She took the news of Nik and me dating surprisingly well. It had apparently been her plan all along since the day he moved in. It was Nana Bea who was most concerned, but Granny assured Bea that Nik and I were a perfect match.
“He won’t give me any trouble. He’s good to me.”
“I knew he would be. He’s always been a good boy.”
I laughed. “Nik wouldn’t agree with you.”
“He has some issues, but the love of a good woman can heal those. You can heal those.”
“Maybe. But if I go—” I stopped myself. “I can’t think about her right now. I just want to be happy and enjoy my time with Nik.”
“Yes. Go. Have a good time but not too good of a time.” She waggled her finger.
“I’m almost twenty-three, Granny. Please don’t have any unrealistic illusions of me.”
She cackled and snorted. “Rita, I know who you are. Just be safe, use protection.”
I gaped. “But we’re not going to have… you know.”
“Why else are you going away with him for the night then?”
“To be together.”
“That’s odd.”
“Why? Because we want to take it slow?”
Her eyes brightened. “And here Bea was worried Nik would hurt you. She’s a crazy old woman sometimes.”
Now I was fifteen minutes late. “I gotta go, Granny. Nik is waiting.” I kissed her cheek again. I grabbed my backpack and tugged it on. We were taking Nik’s bike so I had limited space for an overnight bag. “Call me if you need anything.”
“Go. I’ll be fine.”
I waved and ran out the door and across the street into the garage. Nik was tinkering on his bike.
“Hey! Sorry I’m late.” I went straight to him and threw my arms around his neck and planted a wet kiss on his lips.