Page 42 of Neighbor Nik
She twisted around and our noses nearly touched. “Really?”
“Yes. But our situations are different. Mine left me. You were taken away from yours for your protection.”
“Yeah.” She dropped her gaze. “That’s a big difference.”
“But if you want to see your mom, I’ll go with you.”
“Really? You’d do that for me?”
“Rita, Rita, Rita… Baby, when are you going to get that I would do anything for you?”
“It might take me a while to getting it drilled into my thick skull.”
“Hmm, drilling sounds good.”
She giggled, shimmying her body against mine. “I love being skin to skin with you.”
“Me too, baby. What are we going to do when we get back to Pasadena? I like having you in my bed.”
“Well, you’re just across the street.”
“It’s too far. I don’t want you running back and forth.”
“Yeah, the neighbors might start talking about us.”
I snorted. “I don’t give a fuck what they say.”
“You don’t, Neighbor Nik? That’s what the couple next door call you… well, after I called you that. It has a ring to it, don’t you think? Neighbor Nik.”
“I hate it. How about Boyfriend Nik?”
“Hmm, that is catchy.”
“Husband Nik.”
“Oooh, that makes my heart flutter.”
“And for our down-and-dirty days, what about Daddy Nik?”
“What? No, no, no. I will not role-play during sex like that. Ew!”
“Well, which makes you the happiest?”
“Bad Boy Nik makes my heart flutter and my pussy tingle.”
“Damn, double the impact, huh?”
“Bad Boy Nik it is. Now how about another slice of pizza? You need nourishment for round three.”
“How many rounds are we going to go?”
“As many as it takes until we both pass out.”
“Wow, you really are a bad boy, Nik.”
“And don’t you forget it.”