Page 3 of Effing Eli
She looked over her shoulder with pleading eyes.
“This isn’t over. We will never be over.” That much was a promise, because in a few days, I’d go to our apartment and begin the monstrous task of winning my wife back. I’d do all the things I should have done before she filed for divorce. Stupid son of a bitch. How could I be such a blind, selfish fool?
“Ever the cocky son of a bitch…” She dropped her head and walked out.
She hadn’t refuted my statement that we’d never be over.
I would get Autumn back, and when I did, I would never let her go again.
March, Present-day…
THE INSTANT THE elevator doors opened on the seventh floor at St. James Investments, a weird anxiousness entered me. An unusual energy and whispering buzzed in the air.
I nudged my cousin Davina beside me. “Something is floating around the marketing floor. If you hear anything, shoot me an email or call me. It must be big.”
Davina poked her head out. “Sure thing, though I haven’t heard anything from the uppity-ups. Wanna meet for lunch?” She tried to hide the sympathy she felt, but she was the type of person who wore their heart on their sleeve. For the last two days a sense of foreboding had surrounded us at home and work. It had everything to do with today being the third anniversary of my divorce. I was sure Davina was anticipating a breakdown from me, but not this year. I’d promised myself I would not shed a single tear over Eli.
I adjusted my purse in the crook of my arm and smiled. “Sure. How about the taco truck today?”
Davina’s eyes twinkled and relief washed over her face. “Perfect. See ya later.”
I bobbed my head and waved as the doors closed. As I made my way to my office, something was definitely amiss around here. My first order of business would be to find out what the heck was going on.
Had I missed a memo or announcement? I turned the light on and set my purse on my desk. Usually, Davina kept me in the know regarding the behind-the-scenes stuff in SJI. My cousin was the personal secretary to the VP, Will St. James III. But she appeared just as confused as me.
Giggles stole my attention as a couple of women walked past my door. They reminded me of my sorority sisters when Eli would come to pick me up. Hushed whispers and tee-hees would burst inside our house when my hunky boyfriend arrived.
Eli had always been a head-turning panty-melter. It should’ve bothered me when my friends drooled over him and probably dreamed about him, but it didn’t. Eli had believed in monogamy like me. I trusted him wholeheartedly.
Of course before me, he’d slept with half the cheer squad and likely an obscene number of girls during his high school years. But again, I didn’t care what he’d done before me. I was just as much of a catch as him. If he betrayed me, there were plenty of guys who would happily take his place.
What the hell was wrong with me? I didn’t want to think about Eli today… the day of our wedding anniversary and the day our marriage ended.
I shook the weird thoughts of him out of my head and grabbed my travel mug off the desk. I left my office to go to the breakroom for my usual latte with almond milk. Having a barista on our floor was fantastic. There were only three coffee kiosks in the building—one in the lobby and the third was on the tenth floor.
My stomach felt funny as I noticed women and men alike chatting enthusiastically. They never acted this way so early in the day. Something was definitely abuzz. I’d call Davina when I got back to my desk. She had to have heard what was going on in the building.
“Good morning, Autumn. The usual?”
I handed Mandy my travel mug. “Yes, please.” I smiled as swarms of people formed a line behind me like clockwork. The day began at SJI promptly at 8:00 a.m. I arrived at 7:30 so I could get my coffee before everyone else scrambled to get theirs. “It’s louder in here than usual.” I looked to the right. The women sure seemed excited. “It reminds me of the week before Christmas when holiday bonuses are sent out.”
“Mhm.” She bobbed her head. Her eyes flicked behind me and her cheeks turned pink. “It does seem like that.”
A weird sensation came over me. I shifted from one foot to the other, not sure why my heart rate increased. I was much too young for palpitations.
I observed as Mandy made my coffee. The other person who worked with her must have been running late.
“No Simon this morning?”
“He’s stuck in traffic. An accident.” She frowned. Morning traffic in the Los Angeles area was a nightmare. I was thankful I lived in Santa Monica with Davina. Our apartment was only a few blocks away and we walked to work. “Cinnamon and chocolate?” Mandy asked though she didn’t need to. I said yes every morning. I liked a little yumminess sprinkled on the foam.
“Yes, please. I think I’ll also have a yogurt parfait. Do you have one with fresh blueberries?”