Page 55 of Effing Eli
Nine months later…
“IS HE REALLY a Morgan, or was Autumn boinking another fellow?” Cai snickered when Eli scowled at him. “I’m just asking because we all have dark hair. Even Cadie’s hair is brown.”
My handsome husband dropped a kiss on Tristian’s forehead. “He’s my son, asshole. He looks just like me when I was a baby. He just has Autumn’s blonde hair.”
“Don’t talk like that around the little prince.” Mona tapped Eli on the head, then smelled the top of Tristian’s head as if he were a drug. I had to admit, his scent was intoxicating.
I stifled a laugh. Poor Mona didn’t want inappropriate language in her house, but those boys of hers all had filthy mouths.
Even on Christmas.
“His hair will probably fall out and grow back dark.”
Eli looked up at his aunt, then down at Tristian bundled in his arms. “Do you think?”
I frowned. “I want him to have something of me.”
Cai threw his arm around me. “He will, cuz-in-law.”
He shrugged. “Sure. You have great table manners.”
I screwed up my face. “Gee, it’s nice to know you think so highly of me.”
Eli winked.
“Doll, don’t worry. He’ll probably have your high libido. But then, all us Morgans are insatiable so that will be hard to tell.”
Mona clucked her tongue and shook her head. “Cai. You shouldn’t say such things on Christmas. Or around the little prince.”
I adored how she called Tristian that. She’d told me all her boys were little princes and Gwen her little princess. So sweet.
“I agree with you, Aunt Mona. I don’t want any of you talking about my wife’s libido on Christmas or any other day. Shame on you, Cai.”
I smiled adoringly at Eli. The last nine months had been a dream. We were us again, like we were in college, but better. Wiser and more mature. He loved his new job, and we were settling into our new townhome nicely. Yes, townhome. The one Lloyd offered us. I had compromised for my husband. He had been making all the sacrifices and it was only fair I make some too. It was easy enough. I loved Manhattan and Central Park was within walking distance. How could I complain?
Since Tristian was born two weeks ago, life had been pretty perfect. Eli was a doting husband and father, and I was more in love with him than ever.
“We’re finished,” Griff hollered from upstairs in the baby’s nursery. He and Marc had been assembling the most beautiful crib I’d ever seen. It was round with a canopy above it fit for a… little prince. It was Mona and Llyod’s baby shower gift. It had been delayed when the craftsman fractured his hand. Like, who ordered custom baby furniture? My wealthy relatives, they were who.
“Oh! I can’t wait to see it.” Mona dashed off.
“Did you want to come see it?” I bent over and kissed Eli’s cheek.
“I’ll see it later. I don’t want to wake him.”
“You’re pretty sexy with a baby in your arms.” I wiggled my eyebrows.
“Don’t flirt with me, Boo. I’ve been blue-balled for two weeks now. I have four more to go.”
I put my lips to his ear and whispered, “I can give you relief with my mouth, you know.”
“It’s not nice to tease me like that.”