Page 105 of Breach of Honor
“I love you too. But, Will… I won’t be made a fool of. So you think about what you want and if that includes me.”
“It does include you! Jesus, M, I’ve only ever wanted you.”
“Well, your actions say otherwise. I’m done talking about this. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I ended the call.
Lily grabbed my hand again. “Hey, you did good.”
“Then why do I feel like shit?”
“Because you love him. Believe me, I get it.”
She rubbed the top of my hand. I knew she understood. I still didn’t know the depths of her feelings for Henry. What was it about him that had captured her heart in only three days?
I never believed in insta-love before, but I’d experienced a shift in the universe the first time I saw Will at Club R. I guessed it was something similar for Lily with Henry. From what she told me, he’d broken through the iron gates protecting her heart.
Why did men have to be such jerks?
“It’s nearly two in the morning. Let’s go to bed,” I suggested, feeling a little better after talking to Will. Maybe I was a stupid girl, but I had prayed in the car for him to call me. It would be like a sign that he truly loved me.
I needed those signs.
Waking up in my old bed without Will made me feel empty. I didn’t want this to become my new normal. I needed Will’s strong arms around me, his warm breath on my neck, and I wanted to hear the soft sounds of his snoring.
We needed to work through this crap about another woman, but one question wouldn’t leave me:CanI trust him?
I rolled out of bed when I heard soft mumbles coming from the living room. I stole a glance at my phone to check the time: 10:12 a.m. I hadn’t slept this late in a very long time.
As I exited the room, Tate appeared from the kitchen. The look in his eyes told me he knew about Will and the other woman.Shit.
“Morning, sweets.” He gave me a massive bear hug. “Don’t be angry with her,” he whispered. Of course he’d protect Lily.
“What are you doing here?”
“I brought donuts and strawberries for you.” He pinched my chin, his black eyebrows furrowed.
“No Viv?”
“No, it’s just us three, like old times.”
Great, I’d woken up to an intervention, just what I wanted before going home to Will.
“Come on. I’ll pour you a cuppa joe.” He winked, pulling me by the hand to the table where Lily sat with a guilty expression. “You can’t be all that surprised I’m here. I mean, you’ve been bawling your eyes out from what Lily told me.”
“But nothing. You know how much it upsets her to see you crying. Naturally, she called me to vent, and naturally, I ran over here, ready to pound any man into the ground who hurt you.” Tate put a mug in front of me, messed the top of my hair like he would a kid sister, and sat in the chair next to me.
“I know. I didn’t mean to upset her. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. Will cheated on you. You have every right to be upset.” Lily finally piped up. “I just hate seeing you so sad.”
“I know. Thank you for letting me crash here.”
“Are you freaking kidding me? If you had gone anywhere else, I’d have been raising hell.”
I laughed softly. Lily was a force to be reckoned with. “Okay, let’s get this talk over with so I can go home.” I watched as Lily and Tate glanced at each other. “What?”
“Are you planning to take him back after he screwed around on you?” Tate asked.