Page 109 of Breach of Honor
45 Miranda
SAILING WITH JASON on the Fourth of July. Will preferred to spend the day with Jason, knowing how rare a midweek day off was for me. This was ridiculous.
“Say something,” he pleaded.
“Not even ten minutes ago we were in the shower. You were on your knees… and we just finished here in bed, and now you’re telling me you’re going sailing tomorrow with Jason. Do I have it right?”
“Look, if you’re that upset, I won’t go.” He crossed his arms over his chest like a pouting prepubescent boy.
“Seriously? You’re pouting?” I rolled out of bed and went into the bathroom to clean up. I needed a minute to process.
“I’m not pouting!”
I waved him off, closing the door behind me. I sat on the toilet and stared at my feet.
Was I to assume the other woman would be there too? Or was it going to be only him and Jason? Naturally, Will hadn’t said one way or the other, but what else was I to think?
I suddenly felt stupid. We never did talk when I’d returned from Lily’s Sunday afternoon. He had swept me off my feet and distracted me for the rest of the day. We’d had three glorious days together, and I thought we wereusagain.
Stupid, stupid girl.
Will’s behavior and words didn’t mesh with me. In fact, they made my head spin like the Zipper at the county fair. The only thing I could keep straight was when all the weirdness had started.
And it all started when Jason moved to town.
Will wasn’tmy Willanymore, the man I’d fallen in love with and wanted to marry. Had it all been a figment of my imagination?
I shook the thought from my head. What I felt in my heart wasn’t fake, and I didn’t imagine it. Will loved me.
So then why did he cheat on me?
I finished on the toilet, flushed it, washed my hands, and then returned to the bedroom. I pulled out a nightshirt and panties.
Will sighed. “Miranda, what are you doing?”
“Getting ready for bed.”
“You know what I mean. You never wear clothes to bed. Come on, baby. It’s just for the day.”
“You know, Will, do whatever you want. I’m not your wife or your mother.” I slipped the panties on and then the tee. “I just have one question for you.”
“What’s that?”
“Willshebe there?”
“She? Who’s she?”
A melodic laugh rolled out of me. “Don’t you dare screw with me. The woman whose lipstick was on the collar of your shirt.”
“No,” he said with a definitive element in his voice. “Now get your sexy little ass in here.” He whipped the blanket back and patted the spot beside him.
I crawled into bed and faced him. “Is this going to be a regular thing?”
He looked at me confused.
“You spending holidays with Jason instead of me? Because if it is, we’re going to have problems, and if you’re meeting a woman on that boat, you can kiss me goodbye because we’ll be over.”
He traced his thumb over my jaw to my lips. “It’s not going to be a regular thing. And I promise to make it up to you.”