Page 129 of Breach of Honor
“I believe he is,” Axel said through gritted teeth. “When she kept getting sick in the spring it had to be thallium. That fucker must’ve been using her to keep us distracted.”
“I want him dead!” I had never wished death on anyone before. It was strange not to feel an ounce of guilt for it.
Axel growled under his breath. “Me too. But not yet. Jason will get what he deserves soon. I’ll make sure of it.” The deadly tone in his voice raked down my spine. A haunting vision of the Reaper taking Jason down in a slow, horrendously painful way flashed behind my eyes. Again, I wasn’t bothered by it in the least.
“What’s next?”
“You need to keep playing the game. If they discover you’re onto them, you’re fucked. If the Mexican cartel is involved, they won’t hesitate to take people down. Miranda and your family will be the first.”
My blood turned cold. “Fuck and we aren’t even sure the Mexicans are working with them.”
Axel nodded. “Exactly. I’m going to call in some markers. See what I can find out.”
“Markers? What the hell is that?”
“Nonmonetary payment for my help. The term is outlaw talk.”
“Are you mixed in that shit?”
Axel shot me a wry grin. “Fuck yeah I am. I’m in tight with an MC.”
“A what?”
“Jesus, you really are a prep boy, aren’t you?” Axel snorted.
“Fuck you!”
“MC is a motorcycle club.”
I stared at him confused. “How are a bunch of bikers going to help get SJI’s money back? This is your idea of helping? We’re better off calling in the local PD.” I ran my hand across my beard.
“If you’d shut up and let me finish talking I’ll tell you how.”
“Fine. Spill it and fast. Jason will be here in less than thirty minutes, and he can’t find you here.”
“As I was saying…”
That ominous feeling from earlier had been a telling omen if I’d ever seen one. What Axel had discussed stunned me stupid. Outlaw bikers were going to save the day…bullshit. I didn’t believe it for a second but I gave Axel the okay to involve them anyway. I had to trust someone and Axel seemed to be on my side.
This was all kinds of crazy.
Half an hour after Axel left, a hard knock on the door startled me.
Jason entered and looked at his gold watch. “It’s eight o’clock. Don’t you ever stop working?” He snorted. “All work and no play, that’s no kind of life, my friend.”
“I like to work. Maybe you should try it.” I stood from my chair, removed the navy sport coat off the back, and slipped it on. After the picnic, I’d gone home to shower and change for the last minute double date Jason planned.
“Oh, I’m always wheeling and dealing. It’s how I afford my carefree lifestyle.” He glared, a tough-guy look, but I knew it was all for show. Didn’t he hear himself practically confessing his criminal activities? The stupid son of a bitch.
“Yeah, maybe you should share some of your tips so I can live a carefree lifestyle too.” I noticed Jason flinch out of the corner of my eye, but he recovered quickly.
“What’re you crying about, Mr. Billionaire? You have the ultimate life! Complete with the hottest girlfriend and a little honey on the side. From where I stand, you’ve got it damn good. And my God,Miranda…” The prick practically blew his load saying her name. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you to share?”
His comment nearly sent me over my desk to choke the motherfucker until his body entered the lifeless lifestyle. But I kept calm. Barely.
“Let’s go. I’m hungry,” I shot back. One day very soon, Jason was going to get what was coming to him, and I would have a front-row seat.
“Me too. But not only for food.” He laughed with a nervous twitch in the corner of his mouth.