Page 24 of Breach of Honor
I don’t belong here. Why am I here? Why me?
This swanky, luxurious life wasn’t something I ever thought I’d be a part of. Yes, I wanted to make a comfortable living and have a lovely home, and I had my dream car—a BMW. But in Southern California, livingcomfortablywas expensive.
People like the Kardashians and the St. James family lived an affluent lifestyle. Obscene wealth came to mind.
Such a life was not for the average Joe like me.
The wall of windows called to me, another breathtaking million-dollar view. Everything in William’s home was pristine with the finest furnishings, original artwork, and artifacts I assumed were collected on his travels. All were gorgeous and undoubtedly expensive.
None of this should surprise me, knowing the basics about SJI and his parents. What I couldn’t wrap my brain around was how I would fit into this world—William’s world.
Music pulled me out of my mental dissection of the situation before I fell into a not-good-enough funk. William’s strong arms wrapped around me.
“Dance with me.” He took my hand and led me to a spot between the living room and gourmet kitchen. I did love the open concept space. “Stevie Wonder would say, ‘Don’t You Worry ’Bout a Thing.’ Stop thinking and let the music carry you away… with me.”
His captivating smile summoned me.
William twirled me around, his hips swaying from side to side, matching the rhythm in the song. He stepped away from me, moving his body confidently—expertly. I recognized some salsa moves I’d seen many times during my couples’ ballroom dance lessons. He mesmerized me as he danced, turning me on with his talent. God he was sexy, drawing me to him and then stepping back. With his eyes on me and his flirtatious smile, I couldn’t help but relax and show him my moves.
I swirled my hips seductively as I unzipped his jacket. He took it from me and tossed it aside. His hot hands moved up and down my bare arms, sporting a devilish grin as I shimmied my shoulders and turned in a circle.
William came up behind me, placed hands over my stomach, and pulled my body to his. We molded together, completely in sync as if made for each other.
“You are a fantastic dancer. Where did you learn to dance like that?” I asked.
“Do you really like it? You don’t think it’s weird I can salsa and tango?” He twirled me around, then pulled me firmly against him. The heat of his breath cascaded over my neck as he hovered inches above my lips.
“I don’t think it’s weird at all. In fact, I find it sexy and irresistible.”
“I findyouirresistible.” He nipped the corner of my mouth a few times, lulling me into a trance, then he stopped. “Would you like a glass of wine… or something else?”
“Wine would be lovely. You sure know how to tease a girl.”
“Actually, I’m trying to refrain from tearing your clothes off. I did say you were irresistible.” He winked, flashing me a devilish grin as he waltzed into the kitchen.
“Controlled and a dancer. You’re an accomplished man. I like that, William.”
He chuckled, deep from the belly. I could tell I made him nervous. It thrilled me to the core.
“Feel free to call me Will.”
I nodded. I preferred Will anyway.
“I want us to get to know each other better. I mean, I think we can both agree we aren’t lacking in the chemistry department.”
“I don’t disagree,Will.” The magnetic lure between us was off the charts. He handed me a glass, and we sat on the sofa. “What else do you like to do, other than dancing?”
He studied me over the rim of his wine glass
“What’s wrong? I wasn’t flirting. It was a genuine question.”
“It’s just… nobody has ever asked me what I like to do before.”
“How’s that possible? It’s a basic first date question. The way you looked at me just now, I thought you were going to call me out for asking a clichéd question.”
“Maybe that’s the problem. I don’t date much.”