Page 26 of Breach of Honor
11 Will
I HATED IT when he stared at me with his face expressionless. My father had the stiffest, most unyielding poker face in the world. No crease in the corner of his eyes to show displeasure, or a curl in his lip when happy. Just a blank, unreadable gaze.
“Say something, dammit!” I snapped. “If you have a problem with me taking the jet to Carmel, tell me and I’ll make other arrangements.”
“The jet’s just sitting there, not in use. So, use it.”
Fuck me, why couldn’t he say that in the first place?
“Then what’s bothering you? SJI is closed for the next several days. My reports are completed. I’ve spoken to my backup investor, and my secretary knows how to get in touch with me ifabsolutelynecessary.”
“Do you hear yourself?” His head tilted, analyzing me.
I drummed my fingers on my desk, trying to calm the frustration taking hold of me. “Is that a trick question?”
“William, in the last five years, I have waited for you to take your job seriously. There were days I believed you’d never be prepared to take over SJI. I was losing hope, son.” He leaned forward in his chair, elbows on his knees and steely eyes fixed on me. “In the last three weeks, you’ve changed in immeasurable ways. I’ve observed you focused and productive.Happy. You’ve been on time for work and in every meeting.” A slight smile appeared. “Your mother says I should thank Miranda.”
A grin stretched across my face at the mention of her name. Gone was the frustration I’d had moments ago. “I’ve never been happier.”
“It shows. I like it. And I hope the two of you have a great time in Carmel.” He stood.
I followed his lead. “Thank you.” I walked around my desk to him, extending a hand. He gripped my elbow, giving my hand a meaningful shake.
“I understand you’re bringing her to Christmas?”
“I am. Play nice, will you?”
“Are you kidding? Your mother would put me out in the pool house if I ruined her Christmas celebration.” He chuckled, a rare occurrence.
“Family holidays are important to her.”
“Her family is important to her. And she likes Miranda a lot. She’s rooting for the both of you.” He paused as if struggling with what to say next. “So am I.”
The earth shifted, and it felt like solidarity formed between us. I had an unfamiliar fullness in my chest as I stared at him. Was it joy? Relief? Disbelief? No, it was awe. I’d waited my entire life for this moment, never believing we’d ever find common ground, but the respect that glistened in his eyes said we had. And the tears welling behind mine were out of my control. They were real and genuine just like his.
“Thank you, sir. That means a lot.”
He nodded and walked to the door and then stopped, again struggling with something. “Have a good trip, and we’ll see you Wednesday.”
The door closed behind him, and for the first time in forever, he left my office seeming pleased with me. I clenched my hands into fists and punched the air, grinning like a fool.
My lady was one hundred percent responsible for the changes. Every day I endeavored to deserve her.
Other than my father and grandfather, I had never known anyone so dedicated to their job, until Miranda. She was organized, motivated, and passionate about the events she planned. She took her business seriously and didn’t screw around. I respected her immensely.
The few times I’d been able to watch her, outside of the SJI gala meetings, she’d astounded me. So naturally, I couldn’t let her outshine me. I wanted to make her proud to be with me as I was with her. My lazy, immature days were over. I was looking toward the future, and I wanted Miranda with me.
That led me to this little trip to Carmel. Miranda and I were taking our relationship to the next level intimately. I didn’t want any distractions, and I wanted to make it romantic. I also wanted to ask her to move in with me. I’d mentioned it several times, trying to gauge her reaction.
I missed her.
Quick lunches, late dinners, and Sundays weren’t enough for me. I wanted her in my bed every night, so I could wake up to her beautiful face in the morning. When she was exhausted from a long day, I wanted to take care of her: rub her neck, pour her a glass of wine, and make love to her to release her tension. I wanted to spoil Miranda.
My phone rang, waking me from my musings. “This is Will,” I answered.
“Hey, buddy, how the hell are you?”
I rubbed my temple.Jason. “I’m great. How about you?”