Page 28 of Breach of Honor
12 Miranda
I WAS FALLING for Will. Not a single day had gone by where we didn’t see each other, even if only for a quick, passionate kiss before I had to work an event.
Will was everything I’d ever wanted and so much more. He exuded chivalry and charm, tenderness and respect. I often caught him gazing at me from across a room or above flickering candles at dinner. He listened with genuine interest when I talked about work. And his eyes never strayed when a gorgeous woman passed him on the beach.
He seemed to only have eyes for me.
More so, Will hadn’t pushed for sex once. When we’d heated up, Will slowed us down. How could I not fall for such a caring man? His patience with me solidified the feelings I’d had the night in the club:He fit me.
Now more than ever, I wanted to take our relationship to the next level. And that’s what this little trip was about, making love.
“And you have no clue where he’s taking you?” Lily plopped onto my bed with a bottle of hard cider in hand. I dialed into the jealous tone in her voice. My beautiful friend had been living vicariously through me. She tried to be happy for my new love life, but I could tell it was a struggle.
“No clue, babe.”
“I’m sure he’ll blow your mind. I hate you. You know that, right?” She guzzled her cider.
“All Will has to do is be himself to blow my mind.”
Lily rolled her eyes.
I zipped up my weekend bag, watching her. “Do you have any plans while I’m gone?”
“You mean other than the Harris masquerade ball tonight?”
Ouch. I knew she was perturbed about doing the event without me.
“Then there’s filing my nails. That’s always thrilling.”
“Oh! I could watchThe Wedding Plannerfor the millionth time. That would be spectacular!”
“Now you’re making me feel bad.” Two days apart wouldn’t kill Lily, but I knew better. She had to be worried Will would ask me to move in with him. Some might think it presumptuous since we’d only been together for a month, but he’d already mentioned it a dozen times. My gut told me once we had sex, he’d want me to move in. I could sense it on the horizon, and I believed Lily could too.
“I’m just giving you shit. But doesn’t Will have a rich friend? I want to be a princess too!”
“I’ll ask him.” I scrunched up my nose at her playfully.
As far as I knew, Will didn’t haveavailablefriends. They were all taken or fixated on being lifelong bachelors. Well, except for Mr. Dark and Nasty, Jason Sayton. He creeped me out. I’d never try to set Lily up with him.
“Come with me to Will’s parents’ home for Christmas. It’ll be fun, and you can drool overeverything.” Lily shrugged as if bored. “You could meet Simone, Will’s sister. Get in good with her and I bet you’ll meet all kinds of wealthy men, and her socialite friends.”
“I’ll consider it while you’re gone.”
“Okay, good!”
Will’s classic knock echoed: two firm knocks and a pause, then a single beat. I nearly ran to the door, eager to see him. I’d been crazy busy the last two weeks, and it had cut into our time together. The saying distance makes the heart grow fonder was true, for us at least.
I flung the door open and he scooped me into his arms.
“Hi, baby.” Will greeted me with a delicious kiss, holding me protectively. One kiss and I knew I couldn’t wait to take our relationship to the next level. He released my lips but kept me close.
“Hi, handsome. I missed you.” I inhaled his cologne. Yes, I’d move in with him if he asked me to. I hated being apart from him.
“It was a torturous week.” Will wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up to him. He often did this, and I adored it.
I cupped his face, pulling his lips to mine.