Page 35 of Breach of Honor
Hearing Will grunt through his release while gripping my thighs pleased me, as did his rigid, powerful body pinning me to the bed. I relished his strength and control.
We didn’t move, steadying our breathing. Will’s body radiated heat like a furnace keeping me warm. He lifted his head and gave me a relaxed smile. I cradled his cheeks, stroking them with the pads of my thumbs.
“Tell me,” he whispered. “I want to hear you say it.”
I looked in his sated chocolate depths, deep into his soul to a place I believed no one had seen before me, and I knew what he wanted to hear. I arched into him, our bodies still connected, and kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss, inhaling his scent and taste. Not until I was ready to fulfill his desire would I release him.
“I’m yours,” I professed against his satin lips. “I’m yours.”
Sweetest words ever. The fact that she knew what I wanted to hear told me we were a perfect fit. Miranda defied my wildest dreams in heart and passion. She encircled me in tenderness, spurred me playfully, and demanded my very best.
In one month, she had done what no woman could do; she captured my heart and owned it.
“I’m yours too, baby.” I rolled onto my back, pulling Miranda with me. I held her protectively in her afterglow, a smile stretched across her face. Purrs of contentedness surrounded us.
My whole world was in this bed.
Fuck.My father’s timing sucked. His ringtone sounded from the floor where my jeans lay.
“Do you need to get that?” Miranda lifted her head from my chest.
I gently pinched her chin and kissed her. “No. It can wait.”
Spontaneity won out today. I had a plan of wooing Miranda with a romantic dinner, a stroll on the beach during sunset, and lots of kisses. We’d then return to our suite where I’d play a little Keith Sweat and seduce her with my dance moves.
Then York happened.Fucking York.
No way would I let that bald brut ruin our getaway. Luckily, the way it had gone down worked out better—a little dirty, a lot mind-blowing.
I was glad Miranda and I had talked about sex—important stuff, like protection and past partners. Or in my case, several hookups. We agreed on using a condom even though she was on the pill, just to be safe. We both got tested for STDs a couple of weeks ago. Both came back clean.
But most importantly, I knew Miranda’s insecurities and fears. It made giving her my best easy.
Feeling spectacular lying in bed, I smiled hearing Miranda humming in the shower. Not even calling my father would bring me down from the high I was on after our lengthy lovemaking session.
I forced myself out of bed and fished my cell phone out of my pants to return my father’s call.
He answered on the second ring. “William? Is everything all right?”
“You’re the one who called me. Why is York here? What’s this about a security breach?”
“Hackers, we assume.”
“You assume? Dad, this is serious.”
“I know it is, but there’s more.”
I hated it when he danced around a topic. “What?”
“Ten million dollars is missing.”
“Missing? From where?”
“Three of your accounts.”
Panic ripped through me as I collapsed on the bed. He had to be wrong. “From my accounts? No, check again.”