Page 4 of Breach of Honor
“Is she mute, or you just do all the talking for her?” I disregarded her question, flashing a playful smile.
“Snarky, she likes that. I like that.” She batted her false eyelashes.
Again, not my first rodeo. I’d have to play this smart or I’d be dismissed with a wave of the mouthy one’s hand.
“Yeah? What else does she like?” I shrugged, making my intentions known as I hailed the bartender.
“Well, okay then. I’m Lily, but my friend doesn’t have a name.”
I furrowed my brow.
“She’s not interested in getting to know anyone on a personal level if you know what I mean.” She pursed her lips together, hiking an expertly manicured brow. Better believe I knew what she meant. My night just took a nose-dive into the pit of hell.
“What can I get you?”
Saved by the bartender, maybe. I placed the order, keeping my eye on Miss No Name. Her blue eyes darted around the club as if canvassing the joint for a potential hookup. It pissed me the fuck off, quite honestly, when I was mere feet away.
Everything about this woman screamed class, etiquette, and respect. I knew the type, grew up with the type, avoided the type. Hell, my mother would jump on this woman, work her charm, and I’d be engaged to her by Christmas if Mumsy deemed her worthy.
Why was she here? She didn’t fit the norm.
But damn did she fit me.
I passed Lily her drink and held out the vodka cranberry to my secret desire. “Grey Goose, just for you, doll.”
She reached for it timidly, but I didn’t release the glass. She stared, seducing me without saying a word when out of nowhere my breathing hitched. A familiar sensation vibrated against the back of my thigh.Bootylicious.
“Hey, handsome! I saw my girl across the room, had to talk to her, but I’m back! Aww, is that for me?” The bitch swiped the drink right out of my hand before me and—
“Shit, she’s gone!” I turned left, then right. My angel in red was nowhere to be found.
“Who?” the Latina asked, as if interested. It was as fake as her long-ass neon-pink nails.
“I knew you were a douche,” Lily scoffed. “You’re probably not even a good lay. Just talk, smiles, and money. What a disappointment.”
This was not going as it should. I needed to act fast before Jason took advantage of my epic fail of a pickup. No doubt he’d try to steal the girl right out from under me.
“Baby… I want you.” A hand snaked around my stomach, waking the sleeping giant in my pants. This was a bitch of a dilemma.
I could pound the JLo-wannabe, leave, and get on with my life, never thinking of this night again. Or I could follow my gut, which was never wrong and talk to the lady in red.
Talk? Shit, she’d gotten under my skin and I hadn’t even heard her voice. She could have the whiniest voice in the world for all I knew.
There was no sign of the red dress, but Jason was still at the bar with his Asian queen. Good.
Mamacita had finished her drink, both hands pawing me, and my father’s voice blared like a siren in my mind. “Goddammit, William! When are you going to take this job seriously? I didn’t raise a dumbass! Straighten up or get out of SJI. I hear theMouseis hiring cast members.”
He had said those exact words earlier today during our working lunch. Every time he mentioned that damn theme park, it sent me off the fucking rails.
I turned around to face a sure thing. “What’s your name, honey?”
“You’re shitting me?” I couldn’t help but roar with laughter. “Let me guess,Maid in Manhattanis your favorite movie?”
“Ha! Close but not quite. I’m more of aFifty Shades of Greykind of girl.” She took my hand and held it firmly as she led me to a long dark hallway. I knew it well, having been down it a time or two, but I wasn’t feeling it tonight.
Along the way, I searched forher, again to no avail. She would have stood out among all the white in that hot-as-hell dress.