Page 44 of Breach of Honor
Lily squeezed my knee, startling me.
“Can you believe this place?” Lily whisper-shouted. “I’m afraid to touch anything… to move.”
I nodded, feeling the same way.
“Your cheeks are flushed.”
I turned to face her. “I’m just warm.”
Her discerning eye studied me.
“Stop it.” I brushed her hand off my knee. “You’re making me nervous.”
“Ladies, a drink.” Will returned with two glasses in one hand and what looked like scotch in the other.
“Thank you.” I looked up at him, a curious arched brow.
“Vodka cranberry.” He winked, then passed a glass to Lily.
She smiled, her attention elsewhere.
Will remembered my drink from the club. I hadn’t ordered a vodka cranberry once since that night at Club Rendezvous. Usually, we’d share a bottle of wine. I loved that he remembered.
I took a sip and then gaped, sucking in a breath.
“Too strong? I told the server to give you a little extra vodka.” He sat beside me, draping his arm over my shoulders.
I curled into him, feeling the faint tingles in my pussy from the orgasm I’d had not long ago. I needed to touch him, be close to him. “Why would you have them make it stronger?”
“To help take the edge off. And don’t worry, it’s quite common for us to get tipsy during parties.”
“That’s a relief to hear. I’m going to get plenty tipsy,” Lily interrupted. I glanced at her half-empty glass. She better not burst into song and embarrass me in front of Will’s family.
“Well, I don’t want to get drunk at your parents’ home. And on Christmas no less. What would they think of me?”
“Relax, baby, we’re used to boisterous gatherings and lots of alcohol. Wait until my Uncle Peter arrives.” He lowered his voice. “He can be loud, along with my cousin Henry, his son. But Henry is in Europe visiting his mother, and that’s a good thing.”
“Why is that?”
Will laughed. “Because he always gets on the baby grand and makes us gather around to sing Christmas songs.”
I blinked, studying his expressions.
“I’m not joking. Henry is not as prim and proper as the rest of us.” Will leaned into me, and I inhaled his sexy musk. Damn car sex. “They say Henry is more like his mother, but nobody dares to say it in front of Uncle Peter.”
“Why is that?”
“I’ll tell you another time… It’s scandalous.” He winked, but there wasn’t a hint of teasing. He was serious.
What kind of scandal could Will be talking about?