Page 69 of Breach of Honor
28 Will
A POWERFUL KNOCK echoed through the hallway from the front door. I’d just hopped out of the shower, and Miranda had rushed off to work a half hour ago. We’d lingered in bed longer than usual. Sex in the morning was the best way to start the day.
Our weekend in Arizona had brought us closer together, and in the last few days, we couldn’t get enough of each other. I knew it had everything to do with her parents’ approval of me. Hell, I was relieved to have their blessing to marry Miranda, but I could tell she had released any uncertainty she had been holding onto and opened herself to me completely.
More than ever, I wanted to propose in Paris.
The jerk knocking on my door was ruining my good mood. I threw on boxers, pants, and an undershirt before stalking down the hallway. The knocking increased with each step I took. Before opening the door, I peered into the peephole.Jason.
I flung the door open.
“What the fuck took you so long?” Jason growled, bolting passed me.
“Good fucking morning to you too, buddy! What’s with the banging on my door?”
Jason twitched as if he were going through withdrawals. “I just need to take a massive leak.” He practically ran to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. The crazy son of a bitch. Somedays… no, most days, I didn’t understand him.
By the time he returned to the living room, I was on the sofa drinking coffee and checking email on my phone.
“Crap, did you die in there? The shits plaguing you or something?” I snorted, eyes on my phone.
“Right, be an asshole. Where’s the little woman?”
I looked sidelong at him, instantly annoyed.
“What? I mean that earnestly.”
“Earnestly? Right. What are you doing here, other than dropping a load in my bathroom?”
The corner of Jason’s mouth twitched. “I’m just passing through. Thought I’d stop by to see my best friend.”
I studied him. Something felt off, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.
“Can I crash in your guest room for the night?”
I shook my head. Miranda would flip.
“Dude, I’ll be on my best behavior and out of your hair by morning. It’s just for the night.”
I didn’t want to be a dick. Jason had always stayed with me whenever he was in town. Maybe Miranda would work late, a working dinner or something. Then she wouldn’t even notice him. Either way, how could I tell my friend no?
“Just for the night?”
“I’ll be gone by sunrise.” He grinned, relief in his eyes.
“Okay. What brings you to town?”
“Just taking care of some business. Want to meet for lunch? I’ll stop by SJI at noon… your treat.”
I set my mug on the end table and crossed my arms over my chest. The prick. Not once had he bought me even a cheap-ass burger. “Sure, my treat.” I stood. “I need to finish getting ready for work.”
“No problem, I’ll leave when you do.”
I nodded, making my way to the bedroom.
Freaking Jason, showing up unannounced. I shouldn’t be surprised. He rarely called ahead and would just drop by. It had never bothered me before, but it did now. I had Miranda to consider. This was her home too. I’d call her once I got to work and hoped for the best.
Seagulls occupied my attention as I waited for a response from Miranda. I could hear her breathing on the other end of the phone, hashing out her thoughts, I assumed. It was what she did anytime she had a decision to make.