Page 83 of Breach of Honor
How did he not see it? Or care?
I kicked Will’s foot, squeezing his knee. It was a sign for him to intervene.
“You’ll have to give us your mom’s number then,” Will said on command. “But we’ll be short on timewheneverwe go to France.” I cringed at the irritation in his voice. “Miranda will only be able to take off for two weeks. What’s your next stop after you leave town?”
Facepalm. Shining a massive spotlight on Henry’s vagabond lifestyle wasn’t what I meant earlier when I’d prepared him for thesign.
Lily clammed up immediately, fidgeting with her napkin.
Nice work, Will.
The third course arrived. We settled into eating our dinner and stayed away from travel talk... thank God.
For every glance Lily gave me, it confirmed she would be spending the night with Henry. There was a resolve in her eyes telling me:I’ve got this.
But she didn’t. Her heart was on the line, and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it, especially when she’d just passed on dessert. I eyed her, trying to transmit brainwaves to her. It had worked in the past, but it seemed she’d closed herself off to me.
“No dessert? Are you sure? There’s a dessert cocktail on the menu… tiramisu. It sounds positively sinful.” I wiggled my eyebrows, hoping to entice her.
“I’m full.” She pressed her lips thin in defiance of my attempt, which hadn’t gone unnoticed.
“Okay. Um, we have three pies at home. Would you guys like to come over to our place for coffee and pie?”
Will took my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze under the table. It was his sign I was pushing too hard. I sure was pushing hard; this was my best friend.
Lily shook her head. “No, thank you. Maybe another time.”
Well, that was that.
After the bill was settled, we hugged each other goodbye and waited for our respective cars. Henry and Lily had a molten look of desire in their eyes. I’d seen it plenty of times in Will’s eyes, and I ventured to guess I’d had the red-hot wanting in the depths of mine before as well.
When the valet pulled up with their car, Lily waved and slid into the seat. It made my heart hurt as I wondered if she would be okay. And afterward, would she be in a pit of despair?
God, I hoped she wouldn’t sleep with Henry.