Page 99 of Breach of Honor
“Even better! She’d be good for a little fun on the side. And if you marry Miranda, the perfect trophy wife, you’d have the best of both worlds.”
I knew it. He’d be all for me cheating on Miranda. What an asshole.
“You want me to cheat on her?”
“She’d never know, working every weekend. Besides, lots of billionaires have a mistress on the side.” While that may be true, not every wealthy man was a douchebag. Typical, ignorant Jason was stereotyping. “Just go talk to her.” He kicked my foot, and I about hauled off and punched him, but I didn’t. I needed to keep my cool.
“Fine. I’lltalkto her.”
I strolled over to Cori, pulling out my old swagger. Anything to get away from Jason. I slid up beside her hailing the bartender. “Hey there. Can I buy you a drink?”
“I’m on duty so something fruity… girly.”
“What can I get you?” a different bartender asked. I ordered Cori a strawberry Daiquiri, which she nodded her approval at.
Jason flicked his gaze at me regularly while he cozied up to a blonde. Each time he not-so-tactfully looked our way, Cori would throw her head back and pretend to laugh. The joke was on him, quite literally.
I relaxed some as we talked about frivolous shit: Marvel movies, weightlifting, and all the horny-ass people grinding on the dance floor. We kept it basic—impersonal. Time passed quickly, and I found my groove looking like I was flirting but not.
My phone vibrated in my pocket, startling me. “Shit.” I pulled it out. “It’s a text from Miranda.” I scanned it.
Miranda: Hey, where are you? We finished setting up early. I’m home.
“Dammit, she’s home.”
“You didn’t tell her you were going out?”
“No. Thought I’d beat her home.”
“Well, it might work to our advantage. Respond with…Bummer. Out with Jason.”
“That’s it? She needs more than that.”
“No. The affair will be more convincing if we start small. Think of it as breadcrumbs.”
I rolled my eyes, typing out the message precisely as Cori said. Miranda’s reply came seconds later.
Miranda: Oh. When will you be home?
“She wants to know when I’ll be home.”
“Tell her…Later. Don’t wait up.”
“Fuck no!”
Cori looked behind me, and I felt Jason approach.
I turned to face him. His arm was around the blonde. “I’m taking off.”
“Oh… okay.”
“I’m Jason,” he said to Cori.
“Cori.” She grinned, acting shy.
“I’ll talk to you later.” Jason elbowed me.
“Yeah.” I nodded, happy as hell to get rid of him, and replied to Miranda’s text.