Page 21 of Bound By Love
“Damn, sir, you sure are spry for a man in his sixties,” Scout said, chuckling.
I clutched my face.
Scout bellowed with laughter some more. “I’m glad I stayed.”
“You shut your pie hole,” York ordered, pointing at Scout. “And you”—he turned toward me—“get talking.” York flexed his hand open and closed, and his nostrils flared. I’d never seen the man so enraged. That was saying something, given the line of work we dealt in.
“Yes, sir.”
I told York everything I knew while my jaw throbbed, giving a detailed account, since the day Will asked for help protecting Miranda until the day I discovered Cori and Abe weren’t Feds while I was in Vegas.
As I revealed the information, York’s face turned red. Sweat beaded on his forehead and temples. Mr. St. James remained calm but appeared shocked, and I was sure he was seething inside. Will sure seemed to be.
“That’s all of it,” I said, on guard in case York came after me again. He wouldn’t get a second punch at me.
“You’re fired!” York yelled. “I want you out of—”
“No!” Will shouted, pushing off the wall to face York straight on.
“Will, stay out of it,” his father said.
“No chance. I lost Miranda because of these fuckers! As Axel said, he has biker friends following her to keep her safe. If he leaves, what happens with his friends?” Will was remarkably calm for having just heard I had some of the Jagged Lords following Miranda. I’d probably get an earful later from him.
“I have my own friends,” York hissed. “She’ll be safe.”
Will leveled his gaze on his dad’s. “Axel stays.”
Mr. St. James crossed his leg over his knee and tapped his thumb on it. I’d seen Will do the same move several times. “Fine. Axel stays. But after the money is recovered and everyone is safe, I never want to see Axel again.”
My jaw ticked. I should be glad the elder St. James wasn’t tossing me out on my ass just yet. But I was out once this was all over. And it meant I would never see Simone again.
It was for the better anyway.
Will nodded. “What next?”
“Once we know where exactly Miranda has moved to, I’ll let your father know,” York said. “I need to make some calls. If there’s nothing else?” He looked at Will’s dad. “I need to get to work on this.”
“Very well. I have nothing at the moment. What about you, William?”
Will shook his head and went to the secret door. He pushed the button and glanced back, giving me a look of what seemed to be regret. I was sure he felt bad about me getting fired, but it wasn’t a big deal. I wasn’t hurting for money, and I could find work when I needed it.
Leaving Los Angeles didn’t sound like a bad idea. It would help me get Simone off my mind.
10 Miranda
AFTER TALKING TO Lily yesterday, I stopped for the night in Bend, Oregon. I was exhausted. All I wanted was to sleep after my emotional meltdown, and the extra rest did me good.
This morning I woke with a start, refreshed and rested. An hour later, I was dressed and fed, thanks to the free continental breakfast the motel provided, and back on the road heading north.
Today was officially the first day of Anna Gordon’s new life. At least that was how I saw it. Back in California, Anna didn’t exist to me. But in Spokane, she did. Or she would once I got there later this afternoon.
The landscape changed rather drastically once I crossed the Columbia River. Central Washington had grassy, rolling hills and plains. It was all brown and green with a big blue sky above dotted with white puffy clouds. I wasn’t sure what I had expected, but it wasn’t this. Where were the housing developments and shopping centers?
I felt the most isolated I’d ever been.God, I hope Spokane is better.
To my relief, Spokane was prettier than the surrounding area. Thank goodness for my GPS or I might have gotten lost. The South Hill area was made up of steep hills and winding roads with businesses mixed into residential areas.
I arrived at my hotel late in the afternoon and promptly took a nap before calling my mom. My nerves had been grating on me since my life fell apart. Keeping secrets wasn’t my way, so I needed to let her know I left California, but I wasn’t sure how much to tell her about Will.