Page 25 of Bound By Love
My heels clicked on the floor and echoed with each purposeful step, despite my attempt to take them quietly.
“You’re almost here, dear,” Nina called, again.
A delicious aroma wafted from a small kitchen where my search ended. I stopped at the doorway. At a small table sat Nina, I assumed.
She lifted her head and flashed a wide smile. “Well, there you are! Anna, correct?”
“Yes.” I nodded.
“Please sit down.”
“Thank you. It’s lovely to meet you.” I removed my tan peacoat. I wasn’t used to such chilly mornings and thought it better to be safe and wear the coat than freeze my butt off.
Nina stared with intrigued brown eyes behind amethyst-colored glasses. She was beautiful, with silver hair cut in a short pixie-style with bangs. I always believed it was a rare woman who could pull off bangs, and Nina rocked them. She practically glittered, wearing large dangling diamond earrings, a three-string choker with multi-colored crystals around her neck, and several stunning rings on both hands. Nina sparkled from top to bottom. I loved it.
“It smells divine in here.” I quietly sniffed the air. My taste buds begged for a sample of whatever baked goods created the tantalizing aroma.
“Huckleberry muffins with a crumb topping.” She reached for a platter on the counter and placed it on the table. “Please help yourself. I bake muffins every morning for the staff and my son.”
“What is a huckleberry?” I asked, taking a muffin and a napkin. My mouth watered.
“It’s like a blueberry. Huckleberries are local to the area. You’ll find jams and syrups, scented candles, lotions, and baked goods made by locals all over town,” Nina explained.
My first bite was heaven. I chewed the sweet, aromatic muffin slowly. “Nina, this is so delicious, it’s sinful. I may not be able to stop at just one.”
“Well, one is the limit,” a masculine voice replied from behind me.
I whipped around, making eye contact with a tall man wearing black-framed hipster glasses. “I’m sorry?”
“Alastair, be nice. This is Anna Gordon, my new manager,” Nina said.
I stood to properly greet him. Wow, he was taller than Will. I estimated six four. When I craned my neck to look up at Alastair, he had a slight smirk on his youthful face. He had patchy scruff and loose brown curls on his head. I estimated that he wasn’t much older than twenty.
“Alastair, it’s nice to meet you.” I extended my hand.
“Miss Gordon.” He nodded and shook mine firmly. “Since it’s your first day, I’ll grant you a second muffin.”
“Alastair,” Nina said in a critical tone.
“I’m just teasing. Eat as many as you can cram into your tiny body.” He raked his eyes over me. I may have blushed when Nina cleared her throat.
I turned away from Alastair and sat back down to finish my muffin.
“I’m heading out, Mom. See you later today.” Alastair kissed Nina on the cheek. “Miss Gordon.” He nodded.
“Have a wonderful day, dear.” Nina waved. “Alastair usually hangs out here when not in class. He just started his second year of college.”
“Oh. Nice.” I didn’t feel compelled to ask about her son. Maybe that was rude on my part, but with the way he practically drooled over my body, I’d rather keep things as professional as possible.
“Let’s give you the grand tour.” Nina stood from her chair.
“Yes, that sounds perfect.” I wiped my hands on the napkin, tossed it in a trashcan by the door, and followed Nina out.
At noon, I was back in the small kitchen after a leisure morning observing Nina’s daily managerial processes. On my own, I looked through the inventory room.
The highlight of my morning was spent meeting the three bridal consultants: Brea, Jasmine, and Olga. Olga was the eldest in her mid to late sixties. I estimated Brea and Jasmine were in their twenties, both attractive college students with bubbly personalities. All of them were sweet and professional and worked efficiently with customers. I could tell we’d have an excellent working relationship.
My phone chimed with a text as I nibbled yet another huckleberry muffin. I couldn’t resist them and justified the indulgence because of my pregnancy.