Page 32 of Bound By Love
“York and I discussed Miranda at length when he called earlier. Why she would go to such lengths to erase her identity and form a new one. We agreed it was because she was completely devastated by your betrayal.” The air left my lungs. Where was he going with this talk? “Son, you need to leave her alone.”
“You can’t be serious. I have to see her and apologize for what I did. I’ll do anything to get her to take me back.”
“No, William, if you love her, you need to let her go.”
“You’ve fucking lost your mind. I didn’t have an affair! You know it was fake—”
“But to her, it was real! Your fake affair destroyed her. If you’d come to us sooner, let us in on what you’d gotten yourself into—”
“I screwed up! I admit it, but what Miranda and I had was real and lasting. I know she loves me just like I love her. She has to forgive me.”
“It doesn’t look likeAnna Gordonwishes to see you again or forgive you. You crushed her, so much so she ran away, not wanting to be found. I think you need to respect her wishes.”
I plopped on the sofa, utterly devastated. “Dad, she needs to hear the truth. She’ll understand. I can’t live without her,” I told him with a labored gasp.
“Give it time. For now, York and I agree with Axel. Miranda is safer where she is. Once she knows the truth, maybe she’ll return to you.”
“Dad, it’s killing me to not know if she’s okay.”
“I know it is. I can see how torn up you are over everything. I’m sending York to Washington to snoop around, but I’m willing to bet she’s fine. Just brokenhearted. In time, she’ll…”
My eyes flashed to his and he stopped. My fury from earlier returned.
“In time she’ll what? Move on? Is that what you were going to say? Her moving on with another man is a good thing? She belongs with me. When she knows the truth, you’ll see, she’ll be back.”
“I hope you’re right, son. But even if the affair was fake, the damage done may be irreversible. I suggest you get yourself squared away quickly before you re-enter her life. And if given a chance, do it right next time. I have to go now, but I’ll be in touch once York returns from Spokane in a week.”
I nodded, ready for him to get out of my office. How dare he treat me like a child and not give me Miranda’s location.
“And, Will, don’t be stupid and rush to Washington. You’re unstable and could make matters worse. And Axel has been ordered to not give you the address too. So don’t bother asking him unless you want him to be fired.”
Fucking hell. My goddammed hands were tied again. Unstable? He was right about that.
Jumping off the roof would be less painful, but I’m not ready to give up on Miranda. I want a future with her. She’s mine and I’m hers.
13 Miranda
LILY SURPRISED ME when she called during my morning walk. She wanted to talk before her Thursday exploded with wedding emergencies.
I was glad.
A stroll through the neighborhood was the first of many new routines I had implemented in my new life. My route began at Radiance and trailed down a long, winding street full of beautiful historic mansions I swooned over. Then it looped me back around, ending at the Radiance.
In a couple of weeks, October would arrive, and the weather was already turning cold. This California girl struggled with the wintry temperatures. How would I survive the frigid air and snow? The lows were already dropping down into the forties overnight. I hoped my little sweetswould be a radiator andkeep me warm.
“Are you really doing okay?” Lily asked.
“Yes… most of the time. Well, some of the time. It’s a slower pace of living here. It’s kind of nice, and I’ve caught up on my sleep. I didn’t realize how deprived I was after years of living in the fast lane. Oh, and I’m super excited about tomorrow. Care to guess why?” I teased.
“Aw, come on. You know I’m awful at guessing games. Just tell me what’s got you the happiest I’ve heard since…”
“Since Will.”So much for not thinking about him today.
“God, I’m sorry, Mira… dammit. I mean,Anna.I suck at this shit.”
“It’s okay. Sometimes a consultant will call me Anna, and I don’t respond. It’s embarrassing. I blame it on the pregnancy or the new job.” I desperately wanted to ask about Will but feared Lily’s backlash. If she knew how much I thought about him and missed him, she’d read me the riot act detailing why this was all for the best.